Latest JAS v1.1.0
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JAS v1.0.0 RC1

Released on Tuesday 10th of November 2015



mutilate: added external link/file support, fixed block tags bogus linebreaks, updated unit tests


onlinePlugins module: added system plugin flag
lister plugin: restores original config after cache check, version 0.7.8
backend: fixed non-rewrite links
pager plugin: updated default template styling, version 0.10.11
storage: added & and | operator support, session: annex only activates normal projects automatically
backend: added online download md5 validation, updated translations


docs: uppdated global setup overview
onlinePlugins module: plugin name is a title field
lister: title search only supported for dynamic list type, version 0.7.7
pager plugin: fixed cms error reporting, version 0.10.10
lister plugin: added group by support, updated translations, version 0.7.6
lister plugin: dynamic title search support
data: checkField length check considers multibyte encoding, added listOptions support for all text fields, workflow module: reduced (key) fields size, template format: fixed attributes notice
mysql storage: added charset+collation (utf8) support, backend: project mysql setup sets charset+collation


backend: setup project+database+user name at least 2 characters, fixed online no repos notice
backend: categories cache uses memory only, configuration redirects if table doesn't exist, fixed notices, project setup doesn't show incorrect setup errors, updated translations


cache+data+image: fixed notices, updated unit tests
unit_testing plugin: updated contructor names, version 0.5.8
pager plugin: updated contructor names, fixed reference notices, version 0.10.10
lister plugin: updated contructor names, version 0.7.5
content plugin: updated contructor names, version 0.3.7
cms plugin: updated contructor names, version 0.5.4
data+backend+dataset module: return reference to objects, image: fixed reference notice
dt+backend: time() used instead of mktime(), backend: fixed online check static notice, updated unit tests
backend: fixed reference warnings, aligned database main arguments
files+images: updated for new errors class, format: aligned value function arguments, fixed email clear notice, fixed templates reference warning, stub storage: aligned checkRights arguments
skeleton plugin: updated contructor names, version 0.5.6
backend: updated backend+modules constructor names, fixed data error issue
updated core modules constructor names
updated core constructor names, fixed mysql storage results fetch issue


backend: updated for new errors class
updated core for new errors class, updated unit tests
renamed error class to errors
http script: fixed no updates check
config: fixed table exists errors
mysql storage: fixed all users add rights for empty tables, extended modules joined first, fixed count notice


pager plugin: setup creates default config+template, version 0.10.8
backend: added plugins setup support, updated translations
backend: added users setup support, updated translations
backend: setup can only be executed by JAS root user, aligned setup code, added include .htaccess setup support, modules+config setup executed as (project) root user, updated translations


backend: added config+modules setup support, updated translations
mysql storage: uses mysqli calls
backend: added database setup support, fixed setup error/section displaying issues, new project forces user to become root, updated translations


added data path, db.confs uses data path for xml config, stub storage: added missing storage functions


backend: added basic project setup support, added project directories setup support, updated translations


backend: added export sorting support


backend: added import support, export uses all sql+show fields
api: empty values set
data: reworked base value+entries functions, fixed no image info, fixed sql filedata conversion, fixed default values for add, updated unit tests


data: removed api base64 conversion, api storage: fixed field not set notice
api: filedata fields base64 encoded for csv+xml, updated unit tests
mutilate: added base64 encode/decode support, data added base64 mutilation support, updated unit tests
data: fixed html field image+file URL conversion, rss format: fixed description+file CDATA issue


wysiwyg script: image list only shows images for file field modules, only relevant file+image data gathered, file sizes rounded


backend: added export support, updated mime db


data+cms+mysql: added associative enum options support, backend: added associative enum+list options displaying support, updated cli unit tests


path: reworked html paths, rewrite: logic only executed once


lister plugin: fixed pagebrowser notice, fixed template issue, version 0.7.4
pager plugin: added plugins info+config caching, added get doctype+title+script+style functions, version 0.10.7
onlineReleases+onlinePlugins modules: added md5+count fields, cache: fixed file unserialize issue, benchmark: changed marker displaying
format: rss validates feed links, template upper case replace mutilation modifiers fixed


mutilate: fixed url encoding issues, data: aligned URL regexp with mutilate url encoding output, updated unit tests


script: fixed multi level each issue, added debug script command, updated unit tests


dt: added "future" timeAgo support
added rss/atom format support
dt: added UTC (Z) offset support, xml: added single quote attributes support, mutilate: markup full image urls ignored for parsing, updated unit tests
mutilate: markuped Encode checks for tags before parsing text, script: fixed each command last step issue, updated unit tests


dt: added extract timezone offset+characters escaping+RFC 2822+ISO 8601 support, updated unit tests


script: fixed empty quotes argument, updated unit tests
cms: label supports html, script: added get check is set support, updated unit tests
data: moved sql escaping to mysql storage


backend: added user category rights overview, added category rights overview, aligned base rights logic, updates styling + translations


backend: merged online plugin import+show logic
backend: added online dependencies support, fixed online search single result issue, fixed plugins dependencies online links, updated styling
backend: added online updates checker, home shows online updates, updated home styling
backend: added online plugin search support
backend: added alternate search URL support, update translations
cache: removed public files+redirect support, files in subdirs cleaned up, updated unit tests
bash: project cache dirs ignored, release generated in root, jas: upgrade ignores zips in cache dir, onlinePlugins module: fixed return values
backend: online/uploaded releases+plugins stored in cache dir, updated nl translations
backend: added online plugins support, updated styling+translations


storage: data+count calls handled in on request, unique only uses count, data: fixed for data+count storage calls


storage: renamed count to show_count, data: uses show_count
jas: upgrade requires root user, backend: restructured online releases, updated styling+translations


backend: added upgrade support, updated styling+translations
jas: added upgrade support, bash: fixed .swp and .hg file excludes
fs: added recursive mkdir support, 755 permissions on mew directories, updated unit tests


csv+xml api: fixed no data issue
cli: generates rsa keys by default


xml api: only filedata and multi line values set in inner tag, inner tag values fixed, http script: added xml api inner tag support, updated unit tests
xml api: added inner value support, non-standard chars in inner field tag instead of attribute, updated unit tests
xml format: fixed short tag end slash issue, updated unit tests
xml format: added short to block conversion support, added set/add inside short support, updated unit tests


storage: uses api dataformat, fixed type overwrite issue, data: fixed filedata conversion for api storage, fixed duplicate mutilations for api storage
api: added mutilation support, csv api uses sort line index, updated api testers, updated unit tests
backend: renamed updates to online, fixed links + icons, updated styling
backend: reworked updates, updates styling+translations, updated new/old icons
xml format: fixed set single marker attribute issue, updated unit tests
data api: added Data::_count show_count support, updated unit tests


backend: fixed mouseover icon_suffix issue, large text values stripped+scrolling


backend: fixed for jas version tag, updated styling
jas+onlineReleases: renamed version status to tag, updated translations, updated unit tests
bash: release archives placed in include directory, .swp and release files filtered from files
backend: added release updates support, fixed bogus view item/list field translation, updated translations+styling
functions: added error handler
onlineReleases+onlinePlugins modules: edit shows all fields, status+license fields filled on search, added release sorting workaround, updated translations


onlineReleases module: added (changelog) date support, title fields shown on edit/copy
modules: removed onlineRepositories, added onlineReleases, aligned onlinePlugins logic, added onlinePlugins license, updated translations


api+format: uses headers class, removed _headers support, updated unit tests
image+captcha+cache: uses headers class, updated unit tests
headers: added alternative disposition file/filename support, updated unit tests
archive: rar file times interpreted as system time
dt: added get system timezone support, updated unit tests
dt: added get/set timezone support, updated unit tests


bash: release only generates zip file, backend: plugins exports generates zip file
plugin: fixed export for archive changes, export exits on success
backend: configuration errors reported, fixed plugins JAS license link, added language script to index template
archive: added zip output support, added get file type/time/size/contents support, reworked most code, updated nl translations, updated unit tests


fs: added tmpfilename support, history: set limit to 10, updated unit tests


configRepositories module: added CSV+Data api support, added code field, config: uses repository code as unique ID, default repository loaded if none configured, updated translations
script: renamed xmli http calls to api, fixed language script for new api calls
storage: renamed xmli to api, added api storage csv+data support, updated unit tests
data api: data objects stripped/rebuild when transfering, fixed api tester for new data objects, updated unit tests
api: removed local table check, csv api: fixed show fields, fixed error key check


backend: added website+help links to about page, added help icons, fixed submenu styling, added about link to template
backend: reworked about pages, added project changelog support, updated translations


jas: split changelog/license format function, changelog/license format trim fix, plugin: uses jas changelog/license format function
backend: added data category search, renamed inline search key


data: clone unreferences list options, module: extended modules list options always referenced
mysql storage: count aggregation allowed on any field


data: changed unique index violation errors, updated nl translations, workflow module: changed self reference default
backend: data allows non numeric IDs, cms: doesn't overwrite ID value
cms: shows text identifiers for add/copy, data: added text identifiers unique check, storage: add allows custom text identifier values, updated unit tests
storage: added __clone support, updated unit tests
api: added __clone support, updated unit tests
script: fixed fixlinks openwindow issue, archive: renamed tmp file
cache: added __clone support, fixed for new static methodS, fixed notices, updated unit tests
fixed clone object compare unit tests


mime: added __clone support, updated unit tests
cms: added __clone support, updated unit tests
mutilate: added b, i, u markup support, updated unit tests


mutilate: added bullet/number list support, updated unit tests


mutilate: added custom image URL support, single image markers support (close no longer allowed), updated unit tests


xml format: multiline tag name/markers ignored, fixed marker insertion bug, added marker-in-tag set support, added raw data display support, updated unit tests


skeleton plugin: fixed for new module init, version 0.5.5
backend: fixed for new module init
unit_testing plugin: fixed for new module init, version 0.5.7
pager plugin: fixed for new module init, added pluginDependencies, version 0.10.6
lister plugin: fixed for new clone data, fixed for new module init, added pluginDependencies, fixed translations, version 0.7.3
content plugin: fixed for new module init, added pluginDependencies, version 0.3.6
cms plugin: fixed for new module init, added pluginDependencies, version 0.5.3
modules: fixed for new module init
module: renamed init to constructor, data: calls module constructor instead of init, updated unit tests


unit_testing: added pluginDependencies, version 0.5.6
data: fixed for new clone plugin
plugin: replaced copy with proper __clone, updated unit tests


data: split init+constructor, re-enabled BaseData caching


history: fixed owner unit tests, fs: fixed directories unit test, error+form: fixed copy unit tests
storage+module: fixed for new clone data, updated unit tests
data: replaced copy with proper __clone, fixed data copy issues, updated unit tests


unit_testing plugin: added unit test time, updated translations, version 0.5.5


data: fixed fake version fields mutilations


data: fixed resort no values notice, fixed md5 error message


configEmail module: fixed for new static methodS, backend: added project favicons, fixed backend project link title


backend: added users+logs get aggregation validation
storage: fixed for new static methodS, updated unit tests
protocol: fixed for new static methodS, updated unit tests
api: fixed for new static methodS, updated unit tests


backend: module pages inherit from backend module class


backend: fixed heading fonts+mobile style, links modules fixed for new static methodS
backend: fixed for new static methodS, fixed project+plugins+modules static methods


dt+fs+headers+jas+layout+mutilate: static methodS disable error logging, updated unit tests
data: cache read/write moduleFileName reroot fix


files+images: fixed for new static methodS
layout: added static methodS wrapper
lister plugin: fixed for new static methodS, version 0.7.2, pager plugin: fixed for new static methodS, version 0.10.5
data: fixed password crypt generation+validation
format: fixed for new static methodS, xml format: fixed comment regexps, updated unit tests
unit_testing plugin: fixed for new static methodS, version 0.5.4
include+archive+benchmark+exif+plugins+rewrite+script+socket: fixed for new static methodS, updated unit tests
dt+fs+headers+jas+mutilate: added static methodS wrapper, data+diff+jas: static methods, headers: renamed header to set, get lower case support, data+diff+dt+fs+header+jas+mutilate: fixed static method calls, updated unit test


script: fixed function eval + flash transparent background issues


dt: added month name extract support, updated unit tests


protocol: added __clone support, socket: clone deactivates open sockets (leaves orig active), script: __clone blacklisted, updated unit tests


format: added __clone support, updated unit tests
format: updated email+template unit tests, forced email mime version format
bash: plugin changelog always in plugin root


cms: view uses fake fields, wysiwyg script: images+files+translations off by default, config API disabled error not shown
backend: added confirm disabled property, multi-select disable confirm based on rights, fixed group translation, fixed disabled button styling


unit_testing plugin: removed module title translations, version 0.5.3
pager plugin: removed module title translations, version 0.10.4
lister plugin: removed module title translations, version 0.7.1
content plugin: removed module title translations, version 0.3.5
cms plugin: removed module title translations, version 0.5.2
skeleton plugin: removed module title translations, version 0.5.3
backend: module+field titles translated, backend modules: removed title translations, fixed translations
cms: module+field titles translated, modules: removed title translations
backend: plugin title+description translated, fixed translations
data+plugin: removed title/text translation, data: added module title+translation support to title function, updated unit tests


archive+captcha+cli+config+diff+dt+error+exif+form+fs+headers+history+image+jas+mp+script+socket: added __clone support, updated unit tests


data: removed old t(itle) variable, module: old t(itle) not copied, removed duplicate listOptions referencing


backend: extra table class overwrites, added extra table class to modules overviews, fixed database modules overview styling, navigation clears values, plugin changelog hides dates
pager plugin: added add content plugin sub menu, content module groups hilited, updated nl translations, version 0.10.3
backend: changed cms options titles, updated nl translations


backend: fixed plugin data quick link, skeleton plugin: fixed license, version 0.5.2
cms: fixed captcha modrewrite, wysiwyg script: design mode off for disabled textareas
backend: added plugins data list, updated translations
backend: added plugin+plugin key view links, added graph icons


cms plugin: removed bogus fatal check, version 0.5.1, content plugin: split main/output functions, version 0.3.4
pager plugin+backend: aligned plugin backend/frontend main/output failure handling, pager plugin: version 0.10.2


skeleton plugin: removed disabling logging, version 0.5.1
cms: r+aggregation+show fields ignored in form
pager plugin: backend css loaded directly from plugin dir, removed css from setup, version 0.10.1
pager plugin: fixed for new JAS backend, fixed for new _config/_session vars, added description, updated backend style, updated nl translations, version 0.10
unit_testing plugin: added test info, updated nl translations, version 0.5.2
lister plugin: show_from/p only set if request provided, fixed translations, updated nl translations, version 0.7
content plugin: updated nl translations, version 0.3.3
cms plugin: module/action/extra no longer title fields, fixed title/extra translations, updated nl translations, version 0.5


backend: plugin disabled shows proper error and enable action, no logs notice fixed, fixed configSites cli notice
data: fixed _config get issues, fixed module/field specific format issues, config: fixed configField issue, language: fixed errors cli notice
data+storage: removed disabling logging, fatal errors not logged for log module, protocol: removed disabling logging for server mode
error: database logging either on/off, cli always logs to stderr, log module: removed main group, updated unit tests
skeleton plugin: frontend/backend update main/output functions for new backend, changed unit test classes, updated nl translations, version 0.5
error+log module: added function information support, user password filtered from logs, renamed request vars log field, updated nl translations


config: added su user using ID support, updated unit tests


headers: dynamic JAS version, added alternate apache/php/ssl version gathering, updated unit tests
plugin: import only fails on fatal errors, forced setup never done, updated unit tests


dt: changed month ago interval, updated unit tests, mutilate: unit tests fixed for new _config and formatting
data: fixed search key noticed, updated unit tests for new _config
config: added su unit tests, jas: removed su unit tests
cache: fixed file calls, changed serialized prefixed, updated unit tests, fs: updated unit tests
data: removed old sync logic, removed sync modules, updated unit tests
unit_testing plugin: init done in main call, links directly run tests, updated nl translations, version 0.5.1
users module: fixed additional groups checks for add/copy, session+xmli storage: fixed error logging set issue
error+log module: added URL logging support, updated nl translations
backend: logs title stripped, fixed plugins no config notice, fixed links module group, change list style, updated nl translations


unit_testing plugin: changed to backend plugin, version 0.5
unit_testing plugin: removed template support, merged display list/tests overviews, updated nl translations
unit_testing plugin: fixed for new backend and _config


backend: removed old logic+images
backend: updated database for new backend
backend: updated nl translations, removed old backend translations
added new backend
updated license copyright
bash: releases only in gz/zip format


users module: reworked additional groups validations, added anonymous users validations, categories module: fixed static catnr reference, updated nl translations


data: added ip(v4/v6) regexps, checkFields uses new regexps, cms: added ip(v4/v6) support


config modules: fixed field hiding


cms: data gathered before determining fields (post get could alter fields), fixed list action data set issue, updated nl translations
storage+mysql: fixed multi IDs treeUp issue, fixed treeDown show_total issue, storage: fixed treeDown arguments, filter data set allows values where entry has no filter value set


data: sqlValue returns array as is, dt: fixed ago incorrect date, error: fixed global _config, form: added right column type class, fs: fixed directory root path, categories module: changed right titles, mutilate: arg ? fix, xmli storage: fixed table check


fs: added symlink support, plugin: added setup file symlink support


script: added html encode/decode support, data request values encoded
data: sqlValue adds slashes, search field validations less strict, updated nl translations


cms: categories rights fields hardcoded, reget catnr for all list reloads, data: added rights list support
categories module: only 1 rights fields, user/group nr list options always used, current rights only shown in item mode, only 1 rights change for all entries per submit, updated nl translations


cms: list/all extra actions only show title field, move list failure regets proper items, cms script: fixed selected option reset
data: added owner list extra action support, fixed set image request vars, files+image modules: filename used as title for no title, updated nl translations


cms script: added force selected options overwrite, wysiwyg: config boolean values conversion
cms: added empty value to amny references, form: added button value attribute
cms: restructured fields rendering, fixed order/lost/password texts, added disabled fields support, removed custom categories dropdown, *:0 always have empty entry, removed old rights field (uses form rights), updated nl translations
form: added rights support, categories module: current rights shown in user/group dropdown, only shows user groups, users module: only shows user (additional) groups
data: removed userReference property, restructured setRequestValue, added rights array request value support, added lost submit validations


data: removed hardcoded catnr field, uses rights reference, updated nl translations, fixed trailing spaces
data: removed hardcoded newcatnr move field, uses rights reference for move, categories module: fixed move validations, cms: uses rights reference for move action
cms: restructured error handling and displaying, renamed formReferenceManipulation to formHandleReferenceManipulation


form: added button type support


plugin: added license+changelog support, info/deps read as text, import doesn't perform class/method validations, added setup clear support, fixed setup get argument issue
data: fixed table exists update session issue, form: added button support, updated translations


data: init/copy reset language reference, fixed text field html conversion, form: fixed input value html conversion, mutilate: fixed markup html conversion, mysql storage: utf8 forced


data: move to old location not fatal, update nl translations
configAPI module+api: added view deleted and undelete support
data: removed deleted action, added view+search deleted extra support, (mysql) storage: added view+search deleted extra support


browser: added android + otter detection
session+include: use include to reinit _config+_session+_path


data: added count file property support, files: download increases file counter, file module: set count property, modules: updated nl translations
data: added md5 file property support, files: md5 download support, files module: set md5 property


history: removed deprecated owner information, history module: no owner+catnr+time fields
cms+plugin+users modules: updated nl translations
cache: added autodetect type, config used directly, added file+module serialized values support, lastUpdate uses database info instead of updated field, updated nl translations


language: updated nl translations
data: module translation loaded before control fields initialized, added control field titles, updated nl translations


users module: uses default fields, added added+updated fields, updated nl translations
cms: added cmsOptions config support, fixed reference manipulation config issue, configCMS module: added cmsOptions field, language: updated nl translations
cms: uses own error+language object (reverts #3428), data: doesn't load storage language set, language: updated nl storage translations
language: added read language object merge set support, error: add error object merges language sets
language: updated nl translations
error: fixed error translation, cms+data+plugin+storage: use error language object to load translations, cms: uses data error object for errors
language: last read set used first, only proper text translated, functions: added bt (backtrace) shortcut


cms+data+error+form+plugin: fixed default set reads
api: fixed language for new language class
language: read speed improved, translation not stored in session, translation errors stored, translate set specific, config: fixed language gathering,


modules: default fields as first fields
data: owner all uses first owner if only 1 submitted, fixed default category NULL value, history: store clears values
xml storage: renamed maintenance to alter, added create/alter notices, fixed insertID maintance issue, data: removed maintenance code
config modules: use default id+added+updated fields, config: changed load failure title
data: added defaultFields specify fields support, log module: uses default id+added fields


archive: fixed file strip path issue, functions: request returns NULL if not found, headers: added redirect
include: removed generic reloadConfig support
config: uses Data::cache, configSites only loaded if module exists
data: project specific module templates, jas: fixed plugins list logging disable issue
error: data logging uses form format, log module: level list, merged date+time field
data: no data warning not used for user action, form: fixed input value quoting, fs: fixed no dir prefix in files/directories list


data: reworked ordering, added fake ignore category ordering property support


http script: added projects+modules support, changed module name field, wysiwyg script: fixed for module name field
api: added modules all flag support (also loads *:* fake modules), updated csv+data+xml APIs
error: debug messages not logged in database, config: fixed merge loaded config check


form: replace name with class support, cms: uses cms form class, cms script: focusses first cms form field
include: moved timezone update to Config::load


fs: removed recurseDir wrapper, added directories function, archive+cache+plugin: use files function for recursing


session: added global _jseskey support, removed _jasPath init
fs: grep returns matches if between parentheses, benchmark: proper table layout
plugin: call properly passes arguments, frontend/backend default calls only fail on fatal errors


config: merge returns merged configuration, api+cache+captcha+cms+email+smtp: use new config merge, don't extend Config, captcha: fixed no session var issue
lister plugin: uses _config, version 0.6.10
cms plugin: uses _config, output only fails on fatal errors, version 0.4.1
captcha+files+images: use _session/_config
api: use _session/_config
modules: use _session/_config
storage: use _session/_config
data: cms+data+plugin: use _session/_config
cache+error+fs+history+language+layout+mutilate: use _session/_config
include: uses _session/_config, moved path to path.php, rewrite: added rewrite detection, uses _config, browser: uses _session, php.ini: uses _config
session: added _session object support, added backend support, config: added _config support, added user functions, uses _session object, jas: removed user & backend support, uses _session object


APIs, captcha, files and images: use core frontend switch
jas: added switch project/backend/frontend to core


data+template: added time ago support
dt: added time ago support, updated unit tests


socket: added from/to ipv4/6 and in subnet support, updated unit tests
data: fixed init no timezone issue


pager plugin: non displayed plugins not initialized, version 0.9.11
data: init cache fixed for multiple timezones
data: object template cached, m+a+e fields text type (faster), removed php 4 copy support, extended modules cloned, wakeup reused plugin object, plugin: added initPath support


pager plugin: fixed for new xml path split, fixed for template comment and markers default value, version: 0.9.10
xml api+storage: fixed for new xml path split, updated unit tests
format xml: change path split "->" to "/"
format template: fixed for xml open type, only comments and markers enabled by default, updated unit tests
format xml: changed block type to open, short tag slash forces short tag, updated unit tests


xml format: merged set update parent/start logic, optimized parse parent logic


xml format: removed write mode support (no performance gains), template format: remove write mode, updated unit tests


xml api: fixed unit tests
unit_testing plugin: _compare returns all errors, version 0.4.11
template format: uses write mode, fixed exactPath issue, mutilate: fixed explicit path/key
xml format: added read/write mode, optimized _set function, added open reference, updated unit tests


xml format: added getPosition support, xml+template format: use getPosition, updated unit tests
xml format: fixed parse mark insertion, _set full replace does reparse, optimized _set tag deletion


template format: no longer uses _template tag, updated unit tests
xml storage: fixed for internal xml vc
xml format: fixed next skip first issue, current return key nr, updated unit tests
xml format: added fake root tag manipulation, updated unit tests


xml format: removed get path/key vc support, updated unit tests
xml format: removed inner/outer end parameter, template: end parameter fix, updated unit tests
xml format: get inner/outer XML optimizations
xml format: unified getKey logic, _set data update check more strict, array render faster lookup


unit_testing plugin: fixed for new xml set functions, version 0.4.10
pager plugin: fixed for new xml set functions, version 0.9.9
xml api: fixed for new xml set functions
template format: fixed for new xml set functions, removed old data function, updated unit tests
xml format: replaced set with setReplace, setBefore, setAfter, setInside and setInsideCopy, added blank support, updated unit tests


email format: text message from HTML only uses body, updated unit tests
protocol: connect hello failure exits properly, smtp protocol: proper return codes
script: fixed else else block skip, updated unit tests


functions: added array_remove support, updated unit tests
jas: fixed *:* tables set action/extra, fixed field input styling
cms: fixed empty password placeholder notice, configEmail modules: server uses hostname, user/pass disabled, changed default domain
added basic smtp protocol, added unit tests
http protocol: updated blacklist, updated unit tests


script: callback output values set to NULL, each ends if key/value is NULL


script: added each get support


script: added each support, additional debug information, updated unit tests
script: simplified workflow, else steps part of workflow, added debug support, updated unit tests


socket: fixed first reread bug


socket+protocol: added reread support, updated unit tests


content_management plugin: renamed cms, added rename sql script, version 0.4
content_management plugin: added hide category support, version 0.3.6
cms: submit not shown on gathering data error, fixed password placeholder bug, database action properly shown


calendar+cms script: disabled fields ignored, jas: fixed disabled fields styling
pager plugin: added JAVASCRIPT+STYLESHEET special marker support, special markers shown in cms when template is selected, version 0.9.8
script: renamed fixlinks, jas: updated index for fixlinks
unit_testing plugin: mutilate markup decode test fixed for new URLs, get_argument_names test fixed
storage: fixed config hostname regexp, xmli unit tests only done if api is enabled
jas: fixed for JAS modules, plugins and projects functions
core: fixed for JAS modules, plugins and projects functions, updated unit tests
moved modules, plugins and projects functions to JAS class, updated unit tests


template: added markup encode/decode support
template: fixed _field notices on no data
xml format: set associative array values fixed for multiple tags


cms: copy user shows placeholder for password fields
xmli storage: fixed new protocol+api setup, configRepositories module: fixed fake url for new storage setup
api: fixed database+user enabled check, module whitelist check only done if applicable, csv+xml api: fixed database info fields notice
data: added additional no data check for login, users module: fixed backend field merge bug


storage: added config hash, added set/get connection support, mysql storage: connection reused
data: sql default timezone UTC, aligned api default format with sql, config module: aligned api decimals


skeleton plugin: added disable logging during init, version 0.4.4
mysql+session+stub+xml storage: fixed for new storage config
storage: reworked config urls, removed old config array support, data: uses generic storage type gathering, updated unit tests


xml api: fixed auto disconnect for default port, http protocol: fixed show fields for Data::next loop
api: set request/response headers allows strings and indexed arrays, updated unit tests
http protocol: added get/set session support, set/get cookies use proper (set-)cookie header, request header+body reset after request, updated unit tests


mutilate: fixed file/image root path, notes module: text field allows markup
data: added markup encode/decode support, added markup field property support, lister plugin: updated markers template, updated unit tests
mutilate: added markup encode/decode support, updated unit tests


diff: fixed linebreak detection for no linebreaks


data+cms+wysiwyg: fixed for new images+files URLs
file.php+image.php: merged into respective index.php, files: added image field support, fixed localfiles, removed file.php+image.php


cms: empty lists not shown, cms script: manual search reset, fixed select search issues, up/down disabled when searching


data: removed database action check, module/plugin/project list filled post init


functions: added module table exists filter, data: use module table exists filter, updated unit tests
functions: changed modules+plugins default values


removed old email support
format: added email support, changed configEmail module encoding field, added unit tests
unit_testing: _compare shows diff for strings, syncSettings module: changed compression to bool


fs: added filename, filepath and fileext support, updated unit tests


mysql storage: fixed update enum options notice
pager plugin: fixed marker lookup, version 0.9.7
lister plugin: added single result item template support, version 0.6.9


pager+lister plugin: fixed for new template constructor, pager version 0.9.6, lister version: 0.6.8
template: constructor input support, updated unit tests


xml request+jas import: fixed for new format API


format: added no data parse check, template fails on all errors


pager plugin: fixed for new format API, fix backend last entry, plugin info error template fix, version 0.9.5
lister: fixed for new format API, version 0.6.7
unit_testing plugin: fixed failing tests
format: added previous, first and last support, updated unit tests
data: added previous, first and last support, updated unit tests


http protocol: all chunks read when reading body


xml storage+language: fixed for new format API
unit_testing plugin: fixed for new format API
api: fixed for new format API, updated unit tests
format: output headers not send by default, added format path, updated unit tests
removed old csv+xml+template support


added csv+xml+template format implementation, added unit tests
added new format API, added unit test


protocol: change default port 23, http protocol: vars not reset on request, updated unit tests
api: renamed _headers function, fixed includes, updated unit tests
data: reset clear v, next calls reset


removed old http(d) support
added http protocol implementation, added unit tests, added apache .htaccess deflate support
added new protocol API, added unit tests


error: restructured error logging
socket: fixed ipv4 accept addresses


socket: added getTimeout support


socket: added backlog support, fixed ipv6 listening, fixed ipv6 hostnames, non-unique URL vars, listen reuse option, priveledges drop support, child process can't close listen socket, client sets server host/port correctly, write wait for select, fixed sockets close, updated unit tests


socket: setTimeout allows 0 timeout, default timeout = false, updated unit tests


script: fixed output regexp quoting, updated unit tests


script: get returns NULL on error, values only doesn't NULL values, updated unit tests
socket: added float (microseconds) timeout support, updated unit tests
socket: removed buffer support, updated unit tests
socket: accept fork waits for childs to exit on shutdown


script: added script exist support, updated unit tests
socket: added ticks=1
script: fixed exit 0 argument bug, updated unit tests
socket: added accept fork support, fixed default protocol bug, fixed non socket error logging, updated unit tests
mp: added setSignal no handler support, renamed handleSignal function, explicit no-fork accept, updated unit tests
unit_testing plugin: fixed core dependency, version 0.4.8
mp: added signals support, added multi childs support, updated unit tests


script: fixed values sub.var bug, updated unit tests
script: added set readonly support, parse allows overwrite, marker returns proper error, updated unit tests


socket: file socket only readable/writeable for user by default
mp: renamed recv/send to read/write, fixed message bus sockets, added unit tests
socket: added url support, source host/port stored, read always returns when done, updated unit tests


script: added support, updated unit tests
script: added set/get sub.var support, updated unit tests
renamed configAPIs module to configAPI, fixed config, updated unit tests


added script support, updated unit tests
functions: added get_argument_names required parameter, updated unit tests


functions: added get_argument_names support, updated unit tests


jas: import/export pages use new APIs, fixed import text size
csv api: added client mode, custom separators and header version detection support, updated unit tests
xml api: fixed line OR operant bug, show fields gathered from rows in client mode, module uses original default value, updated unit tests
api: fixed search enabled check, added merge modules support, rename compare modules function, updated unit tests
csv: separators default values support, empty lines not skipped, updated unit tests
data: reference fields properties false


csv, diff, fs: use mutilate detect linebreaks
email: removed detect & fix linebreaks support, uses mutilate fix linebreaks, updated unit tests
mutilate: added detect & fix linebreaks, added array trim support, updated unit tests
api: added set request/response headers, fixed send headers type bug, data+xml api: added header version validations, updated unit tests


xml api: aligned errors template with class definition, http script: updated xml api URL, new errors xml support, updated unit tests
data+xml api: added error parse+format support, updated unit tests


csv api: added quoted parse support, updated unit tests
api: unified generic parse/format errors
api: moved request handlers to api subdir, bash: updated api paths
api: updated parse/format unit test names
xml api: removed show fields from server response, updated data test request, updated unit tests
removed old data+export APIs
bash: added jas api paths, functions: removed data custom displaying, example plugin: fixed license
unit_testing plugin: changed _compare arguments, version 0.4.7
added new Data API, added Data API unit tests
api: added headers support, csv api: fixed modules request, changed current project header, updated unit tests
apis: lower case api class allowed, fixed error messages, fixed language bugs


xml api: fixed request displaying, csv api: fixed data request
xml api: added multi command support, fixed indenting, updated unit tests
csv api: added multi command support, added data format+db support, updated unit tests
data: api format filedata+boolean conversion, xml api: removed filedata conversion
email: new linebreaks detection, updated unit tests
csv: no linebreaks not fatal, fixed preg_quote delimiter, consistent last split/linebreaks handling, updated unit tests


api: added default mode support, updated unit tests
added new CSV API, added CSV API unit tests
csv: fixed linebreaks, removed data dump support, added search/reset support, updated unit tests
removed old XMLi API, http script uses new XML API
added new XML API, added XML API unit tests
added new API framework, configAPIs module update for new APIs, added API unit tests
unit_testing plugin: added compare support function, move header support functions to core, version 0.4.6
language: split setTranslation, added updated support


config module: added api format fields, data: added api format fields support
calendar script: more script date(time) field checking


xml storage: removed XMLi dependency
language: added raw read mode, removed notranslation and getNotTranslatedXML support


xml: only comments+markers speed improvement, pager plugin: template parsed after url fixes
benchmark: added memory statistics


skeleton plugin: updated for new storage class names, version 0.4.3, jas: updated skeleton db config
unit_testing plugin: updated unit tests for new storage class names, version 0.4.5
data: aligned storage class names with module, storage: updated for new storage class names
onlineRepositories module: updated for new module class name
jas: updated for new module class name, lister plugin: updated for new module class name
modules: updated for new module class name
data: changed system module class name
skeleton plugin: update for new module definitions
jas: update for new module definitions
unit_testing plugin: update for new module definitions, fixed mutilate fields max, fixed preg notice, version 0.4.4
pager plugin: update for new module definitions, version 0.9.4
lister plugin: update for new module definitions, version 0.6.6
content_management plugin: update for new module definitions, version 0.3.5
content plugin: update for new module definitions, version 0.3.2
modules: update for new module definitions, removed languages module
data: new (stricter) module class definitions
functions: fixed logging notice


jas: updated for new plugin definitions, updated styling
skeleton plugin: updated class names, removed custom file/class/method info, updated unit test
pager plugin: updated class names, fixed content module plugin call, fixed index.php plugin calls
unit_testing plugin: updated class names, updated plugin unit tests, unit_testing_test plugin class names updated
content+content_management+lister plugins: updated class names
pluginInfo module: removed custom file/class/method fields
plugin: removed custom class/method support, new (stricter) class definitions, removed call overlays
data: removed plugin .tmp hack, functions: plugin modules list errors not logged


data: fixed move rights check


data: fixed memcache init error endless loop bug, memcache init errors shown in debug mode
jas class: license+changelog htmlencoded
jas: fixed search result info, fixed setup xml database URL, fixed styling
jas: static nr fixes


jas: static nr replaced with proper id, fixed item meta data
data: static nr replaced with proper id, mysql storage: static nr replaced with proper id
data: added max value required (sql) fields check


data: reorderd default fields, "added" datetime default field
mysql storage: enum option alter sets correct order for new options, delete options are moved to end of list
data: module filename stored, memory cache refreshed if module file changed
lister plugin: database/info cache check fixed for extended modules, version 0.6.5


jas: setup proper su, fixed module init, db conf use uri
unit_testing plugin: proper su for data tests, version 0.4.3
functions: added su function, unit_testing plugin: added su tests
plugin: m2m modules setup create tables fixed


data: cache inits as view/item to avoid caches with errors


fixLinks script: fixed multiple rel targets issue
lister plugin: added root_url template marker support, version 0.6.4
xml storage: cache based on file instead of module (pluginInfo module can use multiple files)


data: unset 1:* reference for delete fixed
data: added isField


image: fixed header filename / stripping
image: added file field type support

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