Latest JAS v1.1.0
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JAS v1.0.0 Beta

Released on Saturday 19th of October 2013



skeleton plugin: added license, updated license in scripts, version 0.4.2


bash license: removed confirmation, skeleton plugin ignored, xmlrequest: added license
bash: added plugin license update support, added get license/static directories support, fixed get bash script license
bash: rewrote scripts, added


system plugins: added license
pluginInfo module: added license field, jas: plugin pages show license
jas class: added url, changelog and license functions, jas: added about page (changelog+license), added about page+website link to db


jas: added url navigation support, added url fields to jas categories modules
added new global setup diagram, renamed old one


added license description to all scripts
added LICENSE+GPL+LGPL txt files
added license bash script, updated release bash script directories


data: fixed postInit default category bug


xml storage: non numeric identifier use value instead of auto insert ID


cms: fixed reference manipulation requestvar bug
data: fixed extended module requestvar copy bug


lister plugin: file list read post init, version 0.6.3, pager plugin: file list read post init, version 0.9.3, unit_testing plugin: file list read post init, version 0.4.2
configCMS+jas categories modules: file list read post init


jas: plugins (de)setup only fails on fatal errors, remove only shows remove errors, fixed JAS dependency displaying
skeleton plugin: fixed db setup, added plugin dependecies, version 0.4.1
plugin: added jas dependency support


http: user agent JAS/version, user agent header sent by default, configEmail module: default user agent JAS/version
jas: version info from jas class, removed config module version info, updated config db
added jas class (version info), unit_testing plugin: added jas class tests, version 0.4.1
unit_testing plugin: added headers sro tests
skeleton plugin: added unit tests, version 0.4
unit_testing plugin: added plugin specific unit tests support, version 0.4


headers: ie https hack no-store option added (effictively disables caching), updated unit tests
images+files: fixed functions include bug
include: sends/overwrites basic headers (after session start), form+layout: removed old opera cache hack, jas: fixed functions include bug
headers: split filename+type+size functions, updated unit tests


headers: proper class implementation, unit_testing plugin: added headers tests, version 0.3.12


config: merge skip init options bug fixed, data: list option definition no length limit


data: added trim field property, sqlValue trims value if property is set
mutilate: added trim support, data: added trim mutilation support
include: reloadConfig only triggers reload once
plugin: fixed cache clear bug, content_management+unit_testing plugin: fixed for new skipCheckTables data option, pager plugin: fixed key notice, content_management version 0.3.4, pager version 0.9.2, unit_testing version 0.3.11
xmlrequest: added base xml buttons
control+xmli:users module+jas: fixed for new skipCheckTables data option
plugin+jas+unit_testing plugin: added skipCheckTables to database actions
data: unified postInit+checkTables+setRequestValues, postInit+checkTables+setRequestValues use only *:* initialized references, plugin: status change clears all module caches for relevant modules
data: reworked database table check logic, replaced tableExists option with skipCheckTables, database+sync actions check table by default


data: memcached project, module and database specific, removed spaces from cache key, jas: cache clear only clears current project


jas: online plugins empty search error fixed, added system config clear data cache note
pager plugin: proper modules simple/advanced fields initialization, version 0.9.1
lister plugin: data errors shown, version 0.6.2


data: add default rights reference value gathered during postInit and keeps default value type
pager plugin: fixed simple mode small issue, fixed info styling


data: flipped time difference calculation, history module: added time default value difference calculation
history module: fixed default uri/time/method values, userRights module: usernr value mapping used, unit_testing plugin: time value mapping used, version 0.3.10
log+syncSettings+users modules: ip+usernr value mapping used
data: added proper value mapping support (now, usernr, ip, etc), owner field uses usernr
browser: added seamonkey+chrome browser detection


xml storage: write forces cache update, cache uses proper module name
modules: use now date/time value, unit_testing plugin: uses now date/time value, version 0.3.9
data: date/time fields "now" value support, updated field uses now value, info_update+info_created no default value
archive+cache+httpd+xmli+unit_testing: time() used instead of mktime()
data: added proper postInit function
cache+configCache module: added pecl memcached support (untested), cache: memcached clean up uses accessed time, added keys support, unit_testing plugin: updated cache tests
data+cache+jas config: fixed memory config notices
jas: added "Clear data cache" option to system config
data: added (persistent) memory caching support, configCache module: added memory cache data option


cache+configCache module: added memcache support, unit_testing plugin: added memory cache tests, version 0.3.8
data: fixed wakeup plugin module path bug, unit_testing plugin: added data cache+serialize tests
data: fixed wakeup module definition loading


mysql storage: fixed *:1 and *:0 reference field module bug
mysql storage: added normale rights (r) filter support, data: added & and | rights operators support
lister plugin: fixed database->info cache check, version 0.6.1
http script: fixed updated supported, fixed (a)sync requests, fixed in_array bug, jas: fixed tables database->info support
configAPIs module: renamed database info field, xmli: fixed database->info support
data: moved view->info to database->info
lister plugin: added tree up cache support, removed bogus args for _cache functions, added default template time check, version 0.6
lister plugin: split cache function (key, data, template), data cache only updates cache time if newer
pager plugin: optimized config reading, version 0.9
plugin: simplified config reading


image: fixed new local file directory bug
categories: fixed rights manipulation no values bug
data+modules: removed max rootrights limit for rights fields, config: removed rootrights field
data: added get root rights support, added add/remove rights support, storage: uses data get root rights instead of config defined


data: fixed directory end slash, cms: enum options displayed inline
lister plugin: template files recursive, version 0.5.8, pager plugin: template+javascript+style files recursive, version 0.8.14, unit_testing plugin: template file recursive, version 0.3.7
data: localfile(s)/dir fields use list options, added recursive localfile(s)/dir field property, cms: fixed for localfile(s)/dir list options, jas: categories module directory recursive
data: unified dynamic arguments parsing
pager plugin: fixed enum options, version 0.8.13, content_management plugin: fixed enum options, version 0.3.3
data: merged list and enum functionality, modules+module+mysql storage: fixed enum options


image: added redirect support


data: fixed extended module add/edit field module check, fixed add/edit reference updating fields bug, extendedBy module specific get functions not called


template: fixed mutilation comma bug


data: added options property, cms: options displayed for fields with options property, cms script: show pass checkbox base value fixed for text fields
jas: password script autoload, fixed cms select options width
cms: added password hints, cms script: added password generation/show options, split init function
added passwords script
jas: chmod: fixed multi submit issue, improved chmod load speed
jas: cleaned up user rights from db


data: fixed password salt quotes bug
jas: added undelete options, added undelete (data) page, added undelete page to db
cms: added undelete support
storage: added undelete support
data: added undeleted (boolean) property support


jas: chown+lostandfound+module control pages only show relevant modules
jas: view added viewItem+contentList action parameters, fixed pages for new action parameters
mysql storage: fixed item+list module field name, fixed sqlValue vc


data: edit doesn't update none set references
cms: no empty option for category multi select
form: merged data select/listview logic, added order list values support


cms script: added focus/blur show/hide support, jas: added cms show css fix


wysiwyg script: fixed single module configuration, fixed no field properties bug, cms script: added wysiwyg focus support
cms: reference class added to fake references, jas: updated fake style
cms: boolean ie onclick fix only when reload property is set
cms script: added edit focussed option edit support, first field input element focussed at page load
cms: reference class added to input div on reference manipulation, cms script: fixed for reference manipulation, fixed catnr check, jas: updated cms fields style
cms script: removed reset button, search clears on blur, fixed focussed index for ie
cms: moved field options in field container, cms script: fixed for new field setup, code rework
functions script: event functions attached to Element, wysiwyg script: fixed iframe header loading, fixed iframe event functions


cms script: uses new add/remove events, added multiselect focussedIndex support, added order up/down support
functions script: added node add/remove event prototypes, wysiwyg script: uses new add/remove events


cms: added multiSelect detection, single select only selects 1 option
cms script: empty select option search


jas: cms script automatically loaded, fixed cms options container displaying
cms: added options container, added cms script: adds select search/invert/clear support


cms: pure html reference manipulation, jas: added cms css


calendar: header uses config format, header config month+year
calendar: fixed date set week/day number, calendar: header uses input format, added week header support, fixed time leading 0 bug
jas: moved cms css to separate file
jas: added calendar.css, calendar css+js included by default
added calendar script, cms: sets placeholder attribute for date/datetime field for calendar script formatting


http script: removed debug code
jas: uses generic fixLinks script, removed in_array init
added fixLinks script


http script: renamed reponse to response
data: info fields double initialize fix
http+language+selection+wysiwyg scripts: fixed prerequisite checks
functions script: in_array automatically initiallized, getelements script: local vars, http script: fixed error caps, language+wysiwyg script: removed in_array init


wysiwyg script: fixed multiple wysiwyg fields bug


added list options support for float+price fields, cms: added float+price list drop down, fixed reference list options alignment issue


data: reference not gathered if no show fields fix, added no show fields check for "next" matching


dt: added days per year and unix timestamp date extract support, extracted values converted to ints, updated unit tests


dt: added week number convertion support, update unit tests


data: search also finds subsequent value that match (while support): requires reset to start for first entry
data: empty references next lookup skipped, all references emptied by default


workflow module: added code field support, added getStateCode and getStates support


mysql storage: added extended reference modules support, fixed sort field for extended reference modules, merged *:* join logic, fixed sort *:* module
mysql storage: fixed order by no valid field bug
mysql storage: added order by reference support, aggregation doesn't order by reference, fixed reference joins, data: allows reference sort order fields
workflow module: added getWorkflowNR support
workflow module: added workflow name default value support
added workflow module


storage+mysql storage: added tree up/down filtering support, non-recursive tree up implementation, removed tree up/down refernr param, data: fixed tree up/down calls


onlinePlugins module: added changelog and dependencies support
data: added module enforced md5 passwords support


data/form: fixed htmlentites conversion for hi-ascii


pager plugin: modrewrite path fixes allows colons URN, version 0.8.12


data: fixed back reference look up
lister plugin: fixed cache template last update checks, version 0.5.7
pager plugin: removed simple hack, update style sheets, version 0.8.11


mysql: fixed missing sort field for aggregation


hgignore: all projects except jas


data: *:* both reference field always gathered
data: *:1 references not gathered if only IDs required (no show fields), 1:* back reference not gathered (no show fields)
cms: added reference list option support, fixed inline script issues, proper field html class name, reference have html class


file: added file size, image content inline (not attachment), file+export: fixed IE session start


dt: split dateExtra from dateConvert, added dateDelta, updated unit tests


wysiwyg: fixed default file modules
mysql storage: group by resorted, data: fixed group notice, wysiwyg: fixed comments, changelog: fixed tip


bash: new changelog style


jas: selection script auto load
wysiwyg script: cmdTag: text fixed, ie replace selection fixed, opera selection update fixed, empty file link removes link, ie8 onload https fix
wysiwyg script: uses selection script, more font sizes, empty a/font/span tags cleanup, image/link url fixes


selection script: added changed+stored functions


script: functions: added string.diff support, added page selection class


wysiwyg: ie selection+tag fixes, empty a tags cleaned
wysiwyg: added mod rewrite url support, fix dropdown auto selects, added style clean up
files: added mod rewrite support, added localfile support, images: module strip tags
wysiwyg: automatic link updates, added remove link option, fixed tags detection bug, new selection logic, image size attributes support


wysiwyg: added image rotation support, added image width configuration options


added wysiwyg configurable file/image modules support
http script: module next sets all data, language: fixed errors check
added wysiwyg configuration support


jas: fixed system tables module counter, fixed multi level data view
jas: added password config option to db, fixed setup initial users creation


config: added password normal/caps/number/special requirements settings, data: added password normal/caps/number/special requirements validation
data: fixed verification password check, removed verification password support from sqlValue
data: added nocrypt password property support, mysql storage: fixed password fields size, configEmail module: nocrypt password


data: added blowfish, salted md5 and sha passwords support, config module: added (validation independent) password hash configuration


data: password field type replaced md5, password hash checked after get query, fixed users module, mysql storage: removed md5 field support


removed forum module, updated unit test, fixed email template unit test
data: *:* references point to real module instead of extended module, form: self reference tree only for non extended modules


cms: fixed nr dropdown check
jas: advanced online plugin search, added online plugin search to plugins overview, removed online plugin search link from control bar
data: tableExists fails if no module is set, plugin: setStatus resets modules cache, xmli: get allows non-sql filter fields, search allows aggregation
image: fixed resize transparency bug


data: added aggregation fields checking, mysql storage: fixed sorting for simple grouping (aggregation field without aggregation type)
jas: added cache-clear icons
pager plugin: backend: proper menu support, added clear cache support, simple mode on by default, index/error templates selected by default, templates show js/css option in simple mode
script: fix flash+onload function for IE


pager plugin: added default website template, setup installs default template
data: a and e fields incorrect creation fixed, plugin: setup uses cached modules


plugin: setup creates *:* and extended modules, plugin directory readable for all
pager plugin: added simple/advanced mode switch, tree menu not cached, jas: added mode icons
pager plugin: added backend css + setup
pager plugin: backend redesigned, add simple backend support, frontend shows error page on failure
jas: css auto add for level 1+2 pages, plugin backend control within div, updated icons, remove pager from default css, remove pager script
data: deep field copy, module: extendBy skips setRequest+postInit, pluginConfigs module: key only generated set but empty (edit without new key)


data: added getValueType support, fixed like filter for array fields
pager plugin: cms executed before output (rendering), cms errors displayed, pager content notes ignored, version 0.8.10
pager plugin: setup creates root+start pages, pluginConfigs autodetects root+start pages
configCMS: fixed requiredIndicatorFile local file dir error
data: added setOptions and setRequestValues functions, added moduleSpecificFunction extended module flag, extended module setRequest+postInit done after module is properly initialized, plugin copied on copy, module: extend skips setRequest+postInit
jas: setup anon login rights fixed
pager plugin: added template name field, backend shows template name, frontend set title if set, version 0.8.9


image.php: outdated cache removed to ensure update


xml: fixed short tag bug, updated unit tests
image.php: added localfile field type support, added rotate support, added images/ rewrite wrapper support
image: added rotate support, added data localfile field type support, proper filename header, image data cleaned up


pager plugin: group caching take in to account all groups, version 0.8.8
lister plugin: added reference last updated cache support (only for view->info action), version 0.5.6
data: added recursive view->info support, added getReferenceDepth, setDataFormat and setUseFields support, setShowFields+setFormFields use setUseFields, updated unit tests


unit_testing plugin: all error levels displayed, fixed email+csv tests, version 0.3.6
cli: iexec changes to current working directory before cmd is executed
unit_testing plugin: output runs tests, fixed output return values, updated plugins unit tests, version 0.3.5
content_management plugin: fixed output return values, version 0.3.2
lister plugin: fixed output return values, version 0.5.5
pager plugin: errors shown on false plugin output, output errors not cached, fixed output return values, version 0.8.7
plugin: fixed output return values, skeleton plugin: fixed output return values, version 0.3.1
jas: errors shown on false frontend/backend output, index: frontend plugins use jas project


pager plugin: fixed for new plugin setup, main logic executed in main function, moved caching to output function, added marker cleanup, version 0.8.6
unit_testing plugin: fixed for new plugin setup, updated plugin unit tests, version 0.3.4
lister plugin: fixed for new plugin setup, version 0.5.4
content_management plugin: fixed for new plugin setup, version 0.3.1
content plugin: fixed new plugin setup, version 0.3.1
skeleton plugin: fixed frontend+backend functions, fixed pluginInfo functions, version 0.3
jas: fixed for new plugin setup, plugin output functions called in current project, fixed w3c icons, plugin function called in logic, backend output main/control parameter
plugin: remove backend control support, always uses backend output function, fixed filename detections, main function intended for logic, removed generic output support, pluginInfo module: replaced backend control with output function
xml storage: parsing/updating ignores comments and markers


unit_testing plugin: added stats overview to template, added stats percentages, added array field to mutilate test module, version 0.3.3
data: generic apply mutilations logic, updated field type mutilations mapping, updated unit tests
dt: added array support, updated unit tests
mutilate: added array support, updated unit tests


xml: # ignored instead of error, template: # replaced with # by output


lister plugin: renamed page browser template field, version 0.5.3
mysql storage alter: added auto increment detection, fixed index change detection, added index add/drop errors, added comments


data: added count aggregation type, default aggregation type empty (just grouping), /mysql storage: added aggregation count type, restructure, nr average not rounded, date/time don't support sum+count, updated unit tests


template: added case, encode, decode and stripTags mutilations support, update unit tests, lister plugin: updated markers template


data: fixed 0:* and 1:* multi level lookup bug, 0:*, 1:* and *:* lookup speed up
surpress strict error in config load
php 5.4 fixes


unit_testing plugin: uses XML class instead of template, version 0.3.2
xml: added onlyCommentsAndMarkers+exactPath constructor params, uses new constructor params, updated unit tests, template: uses xml constructor params
lister plugin: fixed for new template engine, updated markers template, version 0.5.2
template: rewrite, improved speed, added _row field support, updated unit tests
xml: fixed deepest tag closed first bug, restructured, added comments, updated unit tests
pager plugin: backend data full reinit, version 0.8.5, benchmark: added line hiliting support


cli: added ssh timeout support


xml: renamed getXML to getOuterXML, added getInnerXML, xmli+xml storage+language: fixed getOuterXML, updated unit tests


data: only reference fields of current module are submitted, added PreGetReferences+PostGetReferences module specific function calls


data: added empty aggregation type support, mysql storage: fixed group by for no aggregation interval
data: added multi version field sql sort support, fixed multi version field index bug
data: added m2m unique index


data: added % allowed in urls, added encode/decode/stripTags mutilation support, unit_testing plugin: update mutilation unit test
mutilate: added stripTags, url/html encode/decode support, unit_testing plugin: updated unit tests
data: uses generic applyMutilations function, unit_testing plugin: update mutilate unit tests
unit_testing plugin: added mutilate data tests, uses mutilate module


categories module: removes categories from users module usersAdditionalGroups on delete
mysql storage: fixed reference fields in where clause
data: m2m object cloned on copy, m2m from reference unset for self references


data+mysql storage: category extending module use category rights (instead of content rights)


data: fixed 0:* and 1:* data gathering and next matching, next doesn't reference to original value, mysql storage: fixed extended module joins


data: fixed m2m naming, added from/to use flag to m2m fields, mysql storage: uses from/to flags in queries, added m2m extended join
data: fixed *:* module initialization, xml: non exact paths search more strict


categories module: added recurseCategories+recurseContent fields for recursive delete (must be set explicitly), fixed setAction/setExtra calls
mysql storage: fixed lost and found for extending modules, jas: lostandfound page allows extending modules
data: field format values not referenced, default value timezone rectification, history module: forces time format+timezone (fixes multi project config difference issue)
data: fixed *:* module lookup for extended modules, added list+multilist mutilations, storage: identifier owner fields not overwritten with user nr


data: fixed newcatnr extended modules out of sync issue


lister plugin: fixed show from/total overwrite bug
mysql storage: added storage based count/limit tree solution (doesn't require temporary tables)
mysql storage: fixed tree up count rights reference bug
data: added tree up/down count support, (mysql) storage: added tree up/down count and limit support


lister plugin: added custom filtering support, fixed itemnr reference error, version 0.5
dataset module: added new filter types
data: fixed like filtering value length check


jas: fixed rights category name
skeleton plugin: added pager cache prefix comment, version 0.2.2
lister plugin: added pager cache prefix support, version 0.4.2
pager plugin: added anonymous/user/group specific cache support, backend tree cached per users, version 0.8.4
mysql storage: fixed edit/delete/owner rights check


mysql storage: fixed unique check "add" bug


data: fixed next call for tree action
storage: fixed tree down for 0 (top) value


storage+mysql storage: added tree down id value (inclusive) support, data: allows id value for tree down
xml storage: maintenace fixed
data: proper field array copy, custom submit success messages
mysql storage: fixed copy from sql, fixed copy unique check, session storage: fixed session var init
data: full copy on first cache, set request values done at end of init (new and cache), fixed array file uploads


history: removed owner filter


pager plugin: images/css/script tags ignore url with colons (http://), version 0.8.3


data: fixed table exists status update after create


data: tableExists cache project specific
pager plugin: faster content template rendering, version 0.8.2
data: field request values always initialized (faster then copying fields array)
data: tableExists cache db specific
data: table exist cached in session, optimized object copying


data: added default add category support, added default category options to config and configModules modules


pager plugin: index stores history, benchmark auto loaded, content_management plugin: sets cms history flag
jas: index and project index store history, cms: sets cms history flag
cms: uses history to reload/back, removed old session url support, configCMS module: returnURL only shown on reload page
session storage: added /global "path" option support: uses global _SESSION variable to be project independent
added history class, modules and unit tests


template: array marker shows size of array
data: fixed 0:* and 1:* next lookup


browser: added new opera version parsing support
unit_testing plugin: added mutilate case tests, added error messages, added mutilate data tests
mutilate: added changeCase support, data: added case mutilation support, template: added case mutilation support
pager plugin: page additional global javascript support, jas script not cached, version 0.8.1
template: add "_if not" support, lister plugin: update markers template
data: added replace mutilation support for html fields
data: 1:* add warning fix, mysql storage: added date/time to datetime field convert, language script: notices not shown
template: removed fault level fix
data: fixed *:* look up
template: fixed *:* same module field naming, data: fixed next function *:* same module field naming
template: added *:*, 1:* and 0:* reference value displaying support, lister plugin: updated markers template for reference value displaying


data: added *:* to same module reference support (not considered self: tree not supported), cms: *:1 reference also shows empty option


pager plugin: logic and render splitted up, last update time properly determined, added this->plugin->pager hook, version 0.8
mysql: get info uses correct timezone offset


mysql storage: fixed get rights fields joins


flash script: decimal colors parsing support (fixes firefox original style)


cms: fixed lists for empty values
cms: reference shown as sub data structure, lists use implode
jas: system tables page: uses cached data objects, many to many alter bug fixed
mysql storage: fixed aggregation grouping field name bug


http script: show/sort fields allow first argument to be fields array


script: http module min/max floats, improved d function
flash script: added current style detection, fixed size/position suffix detection, only tags allowed


data: increased field name+enum option length, all field types support replace mutilation


functions script: proper object/array displaying, fixed null error


language script: fixed dependency check, jas main script: added dependency check
jas: functions script loaded, main script onload call fixed
functions script: onload run code instead of function call, language+wysiwyg onload fix
script: moved onload+in_array to functions.js, added d(ebug) function, updated dependencies


http script: added module defintion gathering support, added (values) reset function


flash script: added speed, borderSize and borderColor functions, fixed font color suffix detection, restructured internals
xmli: added db selection support, http script: added db+format support, mutilate: fixed humanreadable for negative numbers


script: unified dependency errors
skeleton plugin: proper storage call, added storage::getConfig call, version 0.2.1 beta
rewrite: / path removed, pager plugin: jas script not cached, jas script adds html prefix
form: removed empty id tag, mysql storage: added hostname field type support, storage: added URI port detection
configRepositories module: added XMLi URL show field, jas: online plugins+repositories use configRepositories XMLi URL field for custom config
fix httpd class and onlinePlugins module custom URI configs
unit_testing plugin: added data+storage URI tests, fixed session, xml and xmli config tests
db.conf: use URI configs, mime: uses preset config, plugin: uses custom URI config, xmli: fixed URL error logging
storage: fixed mysql, session, xml and xmli storage classes for URI configs
storage: URI based (custom) config support, data: uses URI configs, added storageSwitch support


language script: fixed xmliRequest call, removed quote, http script: remove quote
xmli: poll timeout 0.1 sec, session closed for writing on last update polling, APIs: don't display errors
http script: added asynchronous (callback), abort support, xmli show, sort and setValue support, updated uses data call


xmli: poll interval .5 seconds, changed timeout message, http script: added update checker, error message displays info


xmli: added blocking view->info last update time support, added info field to errors
mysql storage: get item+list fixed for default field value, data: fixed error message, pager plugin: content modules doesn't init reference post add
updated jas database: restructured synchronization menu
jas: refactored sync convert


jas: refactored sync import/export, removed old uren import support, fixed styling
csv: added quote escaping, added parse function, end split+quote removed, empty lines skiped


mysql storage: refactored join modules gather, multiple view->list values support, proper init, added unit tests


dataset module: added endless loop protection, only lists existing modules
data: file+image fields use sql+show properties based on main field


data: added exists property to module+modules type fields: only uses existing modules
mysql storage: modules in order by class joined in get query


jas: version number only shown when logged in
updated jas database: proper max rootrights value, added configSites empty table
config: added multi sites config read support, include: automatically switches to project based on hostname
jas: added configSites modules, added multi configSites support to system config page


captcha, export, file, image, xml and xmlrequest entry points: moved jas hack directly after include
jas: system setup: user setup uses proper user module username and password fields, config default values fixed, cms errors reported
config: unknown config module generated unknown config type error, all other errors reported, default config values read properly


jas: syncData control create table link
data: rights reference gathered for copy action
unit_testing plugin: fixed plugin import tests for new file structure
data: text type fields may be used as identifier
default storage: tree up/down, unique and lost function use copy data object to ensure db is preserved
cli: sshFiles uses project include .ssh as default path, scp returns false if exit code isn't 0
jas: new modules select box for lostandfound page
jas: system language page: added current language title to control
jas: system setup: deny all .htaccess copied to project include dir
data+mysql storage: lost and found search uses rights reference
jas: chown+chmod pages: fixed fields, added changed notice, tree rendered using treedepth field
jas: added plugin name to modules select box for module+search page, new modules select box for chown page
data: fixed a+e notices on invalid module, mysql storage: changed no rights rights error text
jas: w3c plugin only initialized if available
jas: new modules select box for module+search page, removed old moduleSelect function

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