Latest JAS v1.1.0
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Here you can download the latest and greatest JAS releases. Note that if you've already installed JAS you can upgrade via the backend. If you need help with the installation please refer to the documentation.

JAS v1.0.0

Released on Friday 4th of March 2016



system plugins version 1.0


backend: added online disclaimer


backend: fixed db.conf.php rights check
backend: changed project database setup layout, db.conf.php other users have no access, projects main links goes to setup
backend: rights actions aligned with other module based components
fixed userRights+groupRights+cache module translations
base: item link+cms options only displayed for modules with identifier field
categories: fixed delete for inactive modules, data: fixed error message typo


backend: aligned config with default module values
jas: fixed upgrade for non-default root path

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