Latest JAS v1.1.0
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JAS v1.0.0 Alpha

Released on Saturday 29th of January 2011



added release bash script


unit_testing plugin: fixed e errors fs sro tests
jas: added version support, version displayed in title bar, updated database
pager plugin: id based page URLs auto overwrite with url name, fixed backend template table, version 0.7.1
jas: added project title to browser title bar
mysql storage: added 0:*, 1:* and *:* reference filtering support, added unique rows only returned once (distinct id) support


jas: plugins info page: added check for updates link, dependency links to plugin if installed
data + mysql storage: full text field only show field, fixed mysql from clause spacing


data+cms: added hostname field type support
data: extendedBy module specific get functions triggered
pager plugin: added page symlink support, backend content list shown for content pages, fixed backend cms double errors for normal modules, version 0.7


fs: added which function, updated fs unit tests
unit_testing plugin: fixed incorrect "notice" error level, version 0.3.1


cli: ssh command quotes escaped


lister plugin: search uses index search if available, version 0.4.1
data + mysql storage: search->index uses setValue based logic, fixed search->index count, last search field uses AND operant, search->index available after module init
notes module: added full text index, jas: data search: added search->index support+relevance field
data + mysql storage: added full text index support, added (full text) search->index support,
jas: management tool only available to root and backend users, updated database, increased login box size
users module: added backend field (may only be altered by root), config: leaves userbackend on reload, data: removed show fields overwrite on user login


pager plugin: backend view link: redirects to root for default project+uses HTML current instead of root, added view links to root page, version 0.6.2
content_management plugin: added alternative configuration support, version 0.3 stable
cms: fixed useStyling for submit+cancel buttons, cancel shown for user action, fixed label notice


cms: image+file links use HTML root
jas: fixed data, plugins, sync and system pages for new global _useModRewrite
jas: uses global _useModRewrite var instead of project specific, fixed cms, functions and view functions for new global _useModRewrite
jas: index fixed paths for jas.php move, project link redirects to root for default project
moved jas.php page jas/index.php
archive: tmp file created in project include folder instead of global root
pager plugin: backend: properly fixed duplicate cms errors
users module: renamed name field to username, jas: fixed set root password form, updated xml database
jas: front login form get proper username+password fields for selected project
pager plugin: backend: removed duplicate cms errors, version 0.6.1
wysiwyg script: added rel external "target" support


jas: changed errors lists style, removed javascript w3c icon from index
error: show renders ul lists with all "selected" errors
cms: changed <a name to <a id (xhtml 1.1)
jas: project based w3c_validator plugin support
form: fixed double select end for dataSelect
changelog bash script: removed email address
lister plugin: added _field show fields support, added Show group, listitems in Show group, manual sort not shown for item+tree actions, added title field to item template, version 0.4
data: added noUpdate property
template: _fields only excludes title field if _title_field_value marker exists, fixed notices
data: filedata fields base64 encoding/decoding if sql data format


data: checkProperties ignores "" (empty) properties
template: fixed tree wrapper clean up bug
pager plugin: content only cached if main plugin function doesn't fail, proper cache key+time init, content module: removed plugin group
pager plugin: backend cms uses form data format
mysql+xml storage: table info created/updated time converted to sql timezone
data: no timezone mutilation if timezone is the same as sql timezone
data: added html wysiwyg property, fixed checkProperty non default property bug


data: fixed reference to notice
unit_testing plugin: version 0.3
pluginInfo module: fixed title property
lister plugin: sort_order, item_url, base_url and page_url are now control fields, version 0.3 stable
template: _fields only renders non reference, non control and non order fields
data: extended module specific get functions triggered, move gets rightsReference, submit error check only checks current module fields, checkField allows all fields to be checked
pager plugin: fixed backend move, backend cms show plugin field only once, version 0.6 stable


jas: plugins page: uses status2 field instead of statusConvert
pluginInfo+onlinePlugins modules: title+version are title fields, added status2 field


jas: plugins page: fixed plugin remove navigation bug
jas: added online plugins install/upgrade support, added online dependencies search to plugins info page
configRepositories: added plugins content option, added onlinePlugins module
xmli client/server: filedata fields base64 encoded
jas: system config page: online repositories only available for root user
data: filedata fields base64 encoded/decoded only for mysql database
data: add index/unique uses correct multi field version fields
jas: changed data search title, updated plugins and repositories table styles
jas: system config: added last update column to repositories overview, changed search link text
jas: plugins page: import uses real filename, changed overview table columns
plugin: uses fs class for file actions, import uses normal file input var, import file version checked against info version
fs: added readLines function
archive: tar returns error on no files (i.e. broken archive), tgz, tar.gz and tar.bz2 fail on tar/gz/bz2 errors


data: get cleans up temporary show fields, resort not done for view->info, resort field gathering done before error check, version multi fields not shown by default
jas: fixed CMS styling for item viewing
data: version fields handling done after PreGetErrorCheck+PreSubmitErrorCheck
cms: fixed image, file and requiredIndicatorFile rewrite paths, removed project specific image.php and file.php support
pluginDependencies+pluginInfo modules uses version field, plugin: proper version check, fixed default value bug
data: added single/multi field version field type, cms+mysql storage: added version field support
data: removed text form data format conversion, form: input values are all converted to htmlentities, cms: label values converted to htmlentities, submit button shown on fake fields, fixed update and continue config option
data: added proper submit+label field types support, empty field titles allowed, cms: fixed submit+label support, empty field title fix


jas: fixed system pages for new class based cms, config automatically reloaded on change, fixed system config page switch bug
jas: fixed sync and plugins pages for new class based cms, removed cms support from sync convert page
jas: fixed data pages for new class based cms
jas: class based cms, index loads class definition
unit_testing plugin: fixed function argument based test run
jas: system tables page: splitted logic and displaying
cms: restructured form submit, reload and error handling
jas: system config page: added global repository delete uspport, added add, edit and delete repository icons, config reload on repository change
jas: added repositories installation support to system config page
added configRepositories+onlineRepositories modules, config reads repositories
jas: added overview table style, fixed plugins, sync and system table styles
set default time zone to UTC, default timezone only set when not in php.ini, sqltimezone set to UTC by default, updated jas database
plugin: fixed pluginDependencies custom db prefix
cli: fixed no output notice


httpd: uses socket read break, set default timezone, set project+path vars (fixes notices)
socket: added read break (premature read stop) support
httpd: fixed for custom db prefix
mime: fixed for custom db prefix
unit_testing plugin: fixed xml storage custom db prefix, added xmli storage tests
plugin: fixed pluginInfo custom db prefix
xml+xmli storage: use type prefix to detect custom db's
data: custom db's now use prefix to indicate database type (e.g. xml:pluginInfo.xml)
xmliClient+xmli storage: added add,copy,edit and delete support, xmli storage: disabled logging
xmliServer, xmliClient, xmli storage: added view->info support, configAPIs: added view->info fields
data: fixed view->info next endless loop bug
pager plugin: shows page not found on normal category request
xmliClient+xmliServer: added show field search support
jas: data->search page: search results link to data->browse, search results info same as viewItem, show fields search uses default show fields
xmliClient: restructured data request actions, added search support, xmli storage: moved tree count exception to xmliClient
jas: data->search page: multilist searchFields support, fixed categories tree, proper search type onchange
data: searchFields is now multilist field
data: search use normal action->extra instead of view->all, mysql+default storage: get uses default (value type = set) filtering for all except item+list extra options


xmliClient: fixed self reference and treedepth filters, xmli storage: show from/total filters not passed
xmliClient: added show from/total (limit) support
http: fixed header/body splitting bug
xmli storage: added tree up/down support
xmli: added tree up/down support, configAPIs: added tree up/down fields
xmliClient: session var sent as cookie, session var gather from Set-Cookie header
http: send buffer creation before connection setup (connect calls clear which clears headers), fixed deprecated split call
jas: updated config database table
xml storage: data maintenance only adds fields of current module (not inherited fields)
data: fixed m2m reference cleanup, functions: array_type checks if is_object before checking class type
xml storage: table maintenance: adds missing fields, insertID off by one fixed, fixed rows value check
xml: renamed goto function to current, fixed deprecated split call, updated unit tests
session: removed session_register calls, proper session start, include: always sets initial timezone to GMT


xmli storage: added login/logout support, xmliClient: removed fake login support
data+storage: added login/logout stub storage calls
xml: current counter reset on parse, removed old cleanup code
xmliClient+xmli storage: added count support


xmliServer: added count support, updated xmli data template
xmli: added basic XMLiClient support, added xmli storage support, updated unit tests
xmli: splitted off XMLiServer class, added optional config parameter, merges configs, fixed xml+xmlrequest pages, fixed xml storage, updated unit tests
config: only arrays merged, proper api module loaded for default values, fixed configAPIs translation,
email: removed duplicate error initialization, added config unit tests
cache: extends config, added optional config parameter, merges configs, updated unit tests
cms, data, captcha page: fixed class name
CAPTCHA: renamed to Captcha, extends config, added optional config parameter, merges configs, added unit tests
email: extends config, added optional config parameter, merges configs, updated unit tests
cms: extends config, added optional config parameter, merges configs, updated unit tests
config: added merge function
jas: fixed project switch for new config setup, system setup calls Config::read
config: user stays logged in on config load failure, users module: calls Config::reload
moved rewrite detection to config load
config: class implementation, include.php calls config load
xmli: data request every row sets OR operant
data: copy forces dereferencing, fixed return values for base functions
data: initializing module saved for many2many modules, many2many table exists check only done if tableExists option is set,
users module: fixed tableExists check
xmli: data request shows correct (many2many) module name, module requests don't check if table exists, fixed reference error messages
xmli: added many2many references data+module support


data: unknown data format not set (default used), added data format attribute to xmli data template
data: default action->extra: view->item, added tableExists init option (passed to references)
xmli: added data format support, default values semicolon separated
data: plugin var init in clear function, configEmail module thousandsseparator fixed
xml storage: uses xml objects, table creation loads xmli jas template, fixed xmli unit tests
xmli: full templates, no template loaded by default, renamed request to handle, optimized xml creation, array default values comma separated


unit_testing plugin: removed settings tests, data tests: view list with incorrect catnr value not fatal
data: view->list extra option automatically added/removed based on category reference, addExtra checks if extra option already exists
data: cache reset db and dataformat to default if no spefic options are given


lister plugin: content last update check done with table last update: old content based last update check used as fallback
jas: added tables info to system tables page
xml+mysql storage: added table info functions
data: added view->info support: gets table info, storage: added info stub
jas: fixed style for new error layout
error show: ul has error type as class, removed additional div wrappers
jas: disabled logging in database, removed log table
jas: removed settings page from database, removed settings table
jas: removed system settings page, removed settings module from required lists for setup and tables pages
removed settings support, removed settings module+translations
removed settings+config functions, removed global _settings var from httpd and xmli, removed settings reload from users module
moved layout settings to configLayout module
moved scramble email setting to general config
files module max file size increased to 10MB, notes module max text size decreased to 64K
moved translation errors setting to general config
config: automatically reads all config prefixed modules, jas system config: modules are single config by default except modules+fields
data: requestVar checks if var is actually set, request variables not referenced


lister plugin: added sorting manual override support, sorting based cache, page browser uses sorting


pager plugin: version 0.5 beta, content_management plugin: version 0.2 beta
content_management plugin: added owner action support
template: added _if_rights support, lister plugin: updated markers template


notes+images modules max file size increased to 10MB
pager plugin: rewrite path fixes not cached


pager plugin: template not cached if it contains errors
storage: submit values include identifiers in sql data format even if it's used in a reference
jas: setup page: fixed config gathering bug, fixed data showfields, fixed modules for m2m references
jas: small popup login form (i.e. not cms based), removed old documentation style sheet
jas: added XML database, replaced sample db conf with real XML db conf
jas: added jas root user setup when no password is configured, login uses cms, widened login box
hgignore updated
data: cache always uses no special request var by default
storage: all storage classes use data object logErrorTypes to ensure error log adding doesn't run in an endless loop
removed bugs+todo modules and pages
jas: removed documentation modules and page, added old documentation statis html
jas: rewrite cms sets values in data object instead of _POST var, index uses cached data object, fixed documentationFunctions unique
storage: uses proper data objects, xml storage: extended modules data gathered, proper delete, file time gathered with FS class
cms: uses cached data objects, form: clears data object values, data: fixed m2m userrights bug
xml: get functions use key in case of numeric value instead of key+path look up
pager plugin: page plugins objects cached, removed content view+delete plugin check, added default pluginConfig edit option to backend
data: added searchableFieldTypes object variable


template: fixed multiple mutilations bug
template: added reference field _if statements support, if statements done after values array is filled


template: fixed mutilations on same fields bug
template: added reference field mutilation support
template: added replace support, fixed mutilation arguments detection for ( ) arguments
mutilate: added (preg_)replace support, data: added replace mutilation support for text fields


template: added _if marker not supported error
template: added _if _else support
template: added _if ! (not) prefix operator support


template: if statements inner gathering done after template manipulation is done
template: added basic if statement support (int, float, boolean), updated lister plugin markers template, fixed _template replace in error messages
xml: getAttributes returns html entity decoded attributes


template: added tag independent mutilations, added multiple mutilation support per tag (format timezone converted date, strip scrambled email address)
xml: added rename function, added unit tests
lister plugin: pluginConfigs: module not required for data set list type
data: fixed category based ordernr manipulation, ordernr already on first/last errors now level: error
data: like operator specific error checking, sqlValue returns slashed values for like operator
dt: removed dateConvert pre 1970 hack


template: fixed _row_oddeven removal bug, swapped odd even (first=odd, second=even, etc)
mysql storage: fixed extended modules unique check
pager plugin: page specific content not cached, cache check also checks template file time
xml: comment tags use short suffix for non block comment tags, fixed unit tests
xml: next+search support comment, marker and close tag filtering, fixed unit test


jas: fixed empty sub menu navigation, fixed navigation script
template: fixed for new xml setup, added proper multi _row support


pager plugin: fixed for new xml setup
xmli: fixed for new xml setup
xml unit tests: added a lot of tests, added tag array validations
unit_testing plugin: fixed template rendering
xml: redone manipulation functions (faster, more solid, proper tag clean up and insertion), markers properly inserted, parse doesn't fail on only markers, added delete function


unit_testing plugin: fixed test tree rendering, updated xml unit tests
xml: getPath returns relative (to parent) node number (html[0]->body[0]), non xml content set array support, set array proper (non) replace support


template: removed marker structure validation, added marker and branch/leaf validation
lister plugin: added search caching support, added all action filters caching support
data: proper full search, added show field search (former full search)


pager plugin: added content fix script, style and images paths options, better path fixing regexps, backend fixed symlink notice
image: error if image data field is empty
pager plugin: added content cache+displayfor fields to info tooltip, category tree sorting fixed
template: fixed for no _row templates


template: added tree based data object wrapper mode support
template: new tree based data object structure: all done with _row (sub) tags, fixed template structure validation, updated lister plugin markers template


template: fixed tree rendering sub-level-after-levelled bug
template: proper tree detection, _tree->_row required for tree, added _tree->_row tag fix


lister plugin: item_url, page_url and cms_url htmlentities, pluginConfigs list category no reload, fixed pagebrowser template
pager plugin: proper anchor id tag
template: added tree based data object support
xml: added path tag number support, e.g. html->body->div[1]
xml: fixed comment tags closing bug
jas: system config: added configAPIs to single config list
pager plugin: added show backend content list pluginConfigs options
lister plugin: added tree listing support
cms: module errors shown in case of no cms/submit errors
data: tree down/up ensures self reference is also gathered


template: proper multi level field value, _type and _title support
data: added initReferenceData and getReferenceData functions, get uses initReferenceData to init reference data objects
lister plugin: fixed list cache bug
pager plugin: backend template overview explicitly sets showFields
jas: test+testTwo modules updated
jas: index sub page gathering fixed, view explicitly gets catnr, categories name display for items view
jas: system tables page fixed for new reference data object structure
data: 1:1 reference value automatically set, 1:1 reference field not an identifier, 0:* and 1:* references get show+to fields for depth>0
pager plugin: catnr gather fix
users module: fixed for new reference data object structure
mysql+base storage: global fields not automatically gathered
data: rewrote reference data gathering, reference data object auto init (all reside in "data" entry), global fields (mainly catnr) not automatically gathered
mysql storage: where clauses in parenthesis: fixes rights OR operant bug
config module: root rights default value fixed, class based empty module
pager plugin: added display for anonymous/logged/root support, page and content displayed by default, content module groups


pager plugin: added benchmark option to pluginConfigs, benchmark results shown based on pluginConfigs
pager: frontend: pluginConfig key name anchor before content, added plugin div around content
data: new image, file and rights checking structure, fixed captcha check, filedata check doesn't show value in error, float conversion with str_replace
template: _title and _type markers allows caps in field names
dataset: added translations
data: field checking: shows values in error messages, regexp mismatches considered "hack", updated translations
categories module: increased module field size
error: show uses htmlentities
cms: succeeding boolean fields merged on 1 line, added label support, data: added label field type (don't use for storage)


pager plugin: page content plugins list sorted, fixed page content ordering bug
jas: added price field styling
lister plugin: replaced filtering with data set support
dataset module: proper showFields, added getDataObject, added dataset_show_from and total fields support


dataset module: necessary fields gathered for data gathering, added showFields support: $d->setValue("showFields", Array("field1", "field2"));


jas: view data field support
added dataset module
cms: fixed subcms dontgetdata bug


jas: groups script: first group opened by default, renamed last cookie
pager plugin: backend fixed for new multiple groups support
jas: groups script: multiple groups+subgroups support
cms: reference manipulation shows full blown fields, added group wrapper


pager plugin: backend reference editing support
cms: properly fixed reference editing for prefixed fields
jas: field text 250px wide, sub texts note shown
jas: add page content list nr+owner styling
pager plugin: fixed catnr for content listing, added nr+owner field to content list
jas: navigation script fixed for no navigation
cms: fixed reference editing for prefixed fields, refence name uses prefixed field name


cms: removed plaintext field support
lister plugin: request var filtering only done if request var is set
lister plugin: added additional filtering support, fixed list template no cache expire bug


lister plugin: added cms page support, item page optimized, itempagenr doesn't reload, update markers template, updated translations
content_management plugin: added multi modules/actions/extra options support, updated translations
pager plugin: optimized backend, removed data gathering from content module, updated translations
data: check function rewrite
lister plugin: updated translations
pager plugin: backend info uses proper links for normal categories
pager plugin: backend tree cached
content plugin: content trimming relaxed (wysiwyg trimming better)
wysiwyg script: div tags, br class and a name attributes allowed, new stripping/trimming rules, textarea empty if wysiwyg is empty
content plugin: added customizable HTML tags+class for title, subtitle, content and wrapper, version 0.3
data: new extended module entries cleaned up when adding fails
pager plugin: fixed backend content link titles
cms: listOptions dropdown triggers onchange event on text input field
jas: data chmod: fixed usersAdditionalGroups notice
config: fixed translations problem after reload
data: reverted *:* gather clean object change 2444
data: fixed move rights newcatnr check
users module: editting usersAdditionalGroups checks if users may be removed from or added to a category
jas: setup supports *:* module creation, system tables don't show alter checkbox on "no shrinking"
users module: usersAdditionalGroups only supported if table exists


jas: chmod shows all user related (ie: user rightsReference and additionalUserGroups) categories
categories module: removed rights non user category check, groupRights module: no default value
data: *:* gathering uses clean object, *:* editting is_array check, edit gets proper rightReference, v function isset check, updated translations
users can be have additional user groups, config default user groups based on configured usernr, config always reloads user groups, fixed translations, mysql storage supports multiple user groups
config module translations updated
cms: doesn't load rights (handled by categories module)
config, settings and user modules don't reload on tree list change
pager: template list shows empty option
jas: category browser displayed as multi list
data: catnr+newcatnr fields don't reload page on change
cms: *:0 relations add empty option to lists, category reference displayed as multi list
form: dataSelect+dataListview show tree view for self referenced modules (regardless of single or multi list), added "addEmptyOption" argument for single lists
lister plugin: fixed p var bug, pager plugin: content module loads module in set action+extra, fixed translation
cms: frontForm not displayed if "a" var isn't set
added content_management plugin
lister plugin: added mod rewrite support, updated pagebrowser+markers template, template: renamed pager base_url to page_url, added markers.html comment
data: uniqueness check also done for extending modules
pager plugin: categories urlname automatically filled with nr if left empty
pager plugin: mod rewrite usage based on _config["useModRewrite"], src/href mod rewrite fix only done on template
jas: mod rewrite usage based on _config["useModRewrite"], added warning when using mod rewrite if not available
config module: added modRewrite option, rewrite: determines _config["useModRewrite"] (actual) state based on config+modRewriteActive


config modules: fixed translations


jas: increased pager cms options width
pager plugin: fixed translations, frontend error messages translated, version 0.4
categories modules: fixed translations
content plugin: fixed translatios, version 0.2 stable
cms: only large html+text fields use textarea/wysiwyg input fields
unit_testing plugin: version 0.2 stable
jas: added normalpage_symlink+rootpage_symlink icons, pager plugin: displays symlink icons
jas: pager info popup min width
cms: checkbox hidden field also gets extra options (disabled), data: fixed v functions field notice
pager plugin: added linked content support, default page has no modules and no moduleLock, fixed pages caps urlname bug


jas: groups js tab bar placed directly above groups


pager plugin: backend info popup properly populated
jas: tab based (javascript) groups, adjusted style sheet


pager plugin: backend info shows pager content info
lister plugin: page browser not shown in item page
template: page browser also shown for single page
lister plugin: updated markers template
data: added dateConvert and timezoneConvert mutilations, added v function alias "id" (identifier)
template: fixed for new data mutilation functions
jas: data sync page fixed for new mutilate class
data: fixed for new mutilate class
renamed manipulate class to mutilate, fixed unit tests
template: added attribute based manipulation support
xml: markers attributes space separated
unit_testing plugin: fixed manipulation tests, added (un)scrambleEmail tests
manipulate: humanReadableNumber+humanReadableFileSize support decimal separator, false default values
data: added humanReadableNumber, humanReadableFileSize, leadingZeros, strip and scrambleEmail manipulation support
data: added value manipulation basics, added scrambleEmail manipulation support, added nr dropdown property, changed filedata operators, checkProperties checks if field exists
manipulate: added (un)scrambleEmail functions, moved leadingZeros function
xml: fixed notices when getting marker attributes
xml: space separated attributes saved
data: added disabled property


data: renamed operators+properties variables
mysql storage: auto increment only applied to nr fields
replaced modules id field type with nr
removed id field type support from cms and mysql storage
data: removed id field type support
data: added localdirectory operators, changed unknown property/operator errors
removed double support from cms, configFields and mysql storage
data: added field type check, removed double support (use float)
fixed cms, mysql storage, modules, lister+unit_testing plugins for properties check
data: added properties check, fixed properties
manipulate: renamed size var, added leadingZeros function, added leadingZeros unit tests
manipulate: added strip function, added unit tests
jas: fixed syncData for Manipulate class
unit_testing plugin: added Manipulate tests
added Manipulate class, moved humanReadableFileSize to Manipulate class, added Manipulate::humanReadableNumber


unit_testing plugin: fixed icons
lister+pager plugin: fixed for new DT class
unit_testing plugin: added DT tests, removed datetime tests from functions, fixed cache tests for new DT class
fixed image for new DT class
fixed cache, data and exif classes for new DT class
added dt class, moved datetime functions to dt class
lister plugin: added multi level support, updated markers template
template: added multi level (sub module fields) support


include: fixed _path["file"] for cur path, added _SERVER["PWD"] project detection


lister plugin: pagebrowser logic moved to templage, fixed empty base_url bug
template: added pageBrowser function
lister plugin: uses template::showCount to determine if count is to be used, updated templates
template: added showCount function
template: added field type support, added _current_rows, fixed _total_rows


data: html image/file links replaces full path
template: remove _item_url, moved parsing
template: moved templating from lister plugin
data: automatic resorting for non-sql fields


cache: cleanup only done if configured


storage: filter uses OR operant for item based
data: edit+move unique checks fixed (gather all data required for unique checks)
jas: removed old db configurations
data: fixed html+text fields file/image paths for rewrite
wysiwyg javascript: fixed base url detection for rewrite
include: request uri isset check
pager plugin: added failover template, content gathering breaks on error, content checks if plugins and modules load ok
plugin: logic functions check if plugin is enabled, output functions return error output if plugin is not enabled


jas: added p var to backend plugin pages
pager plugin: backend show links rewrite support
pager plugin: added rewrite support, added url names, caching skipped if cache is disabled
jas: moved project.php to project/index.php, fixed projects link, images use relative html path, renamed layout var
include: stores html current path, html root path is real root, rewrite uses html current to determine relative path


jas: fixed delete all link in content list
xml storage: read function uses non API based XMLi object
.htaccess: rewrite rule matches backwards
jas: content list show selected module
jas: plugins page sets rewrite vars for data manipulation
jas: cms also sets rewrite vars to _POST
configCMS module: customizeFields has a return value
jas: setup allows restoring of broken projects: restores root login capabilities, fixes tables, no elevated privileges granted
cms: doesn't show aggregation_ and show_ control fields for manipulating data


jas: view items and lists generate rewrite based and normal urls, added order up/down disabled icons
jas: pages using cms fixed for rewrite based calls
jas: cms supports rewrite based calls
jas: index: saves additional rewrite arguments, always falls back to default (sub)page in case of failure, added cms exception
cms: anchors only for visible fields
jas: removed elevated privileges on config failure on project switch


config: removed elevated privileges on config failure, whole config (including user+group) reread after config failure
jas: moved view.php include to index
jas: plugin pages allow backend and config based frontend setup, categories module: customized fields


plugin: config read by id (in addition to key), added backend output function check
form: dataSelect and dataListview shown full title not just first field
jas: removed old code from index
moved locale file(s) and directory logic to data, file,enum and list functions have return value, cms: fixed extra field
plugin+project field types: uses list/multilist approach, added project checks
cms: proper _config+_path globals for field functions: fixes list style types etc
module+modules field types: uses list/multilist approach
list+multilist field types: list options auto init, fixed list checks, removed isset checks in data+cms
pager plugin: fixed backend url vars
jas: plugins page: url vars always set, fixed backend control url vars
lister plugin: configuration loaded check, fixed template url
unit_testing plugin: configuration loaded check, fixed template url
jas: fixed plugin based page url variables
jas: plugins page: frontend set url variables
jas: moved plugin exist check to plugins page
jas: plugin page: backend set url variables, frontend config not required
jas: fixed w3c hook for rewrite support
plugin: added baseURL support
jas: moved pages to include dir
jas: fixed stuff (jas) pages for rewrite support, documentation uses Data cache objects
jas: fixed plugin pages for rewrite support
jas: fixed system pages for rewrite support
jas: fixed sync pages for rewrite support
jas: fixed data pages for rewrite support
jas: fixed cms, show and view functions for rewrite support
jas: added rewrite support, uses p variable for navigation, moved navigation to index, categories modules: proper directory selection, added fake page field
cms, form and layout: use new HTML path options
fixed .htaccess rewrite rules, added rewrite detection, added HTML root/url/relative/prefix options to path
mysql storage: added localdirectory support
fs: added grep function, isInitialized call from non object fixed
cms: added localdirectory field support, file/directory lists sort
data: added localdirectory field type, setFileDir auto adds slash, multiple self reference check skipped
cache: added empty+dot checks to search


pager plugin: markers cleaning on markers level (instead of templates level)
lister plugin: sort fields properly ordered
lister plugin: added multi level sorting support
cms: separate input rendering from input function, succeeding fields with the same title rendered in 1 field block
lister plugin: added automatic resorting for show fields, pluginConfigs added show fields to orderby list
wysiwyg script: fixed links, images and files forms styling


lister plugin: cache also checks alternative template modification time
language: ingores note from XML API, wysiwyg: only shows errors if there's actually something to show
xmli: language request returns note if requesting default language
config: added language exception
xml storage and xmli unit test overwrite xmli config support (ie will not check in config if action is allowed)
xmli: added config support (can be overwritten in code), xml API forces config support
export API: added config support
data API: added config support, added content-length header
config: added configAPIs, removed xml/export interface configuration from config module, fixed userrights fields for all config modules
data: show_total default value reset for search/no search


jas data sync: uses Data::cache, fixed no modules notice, sync module errors shown, proper getID usage
jas: viewItem shows proper boolean values
cms: checkbox field empty value is 0
data: sync action tableExists exception, fixed allowed modules checking for add action in sql mode


data: PostSubmitErrorCheck also done if errorCheck fails
socket: removed premature read stop
cms: removed bogus error->add
jas: system->config shows all config* modules
pager plugins: benchmark always shown (if enabled in configuration) at end of page
hgignore: jas cache directory
content plugin: pluginConfigs field group
pager plugin: added page & content disable support, content only allows frontend plugins with pluginConfigs module, version 0.3
jas: added disabledpage icon
jas: login function use cached data objects
data: moved clear call to start of setModule, plugin+data: use method_exists instead of looping through all methods
skeleton plugin: added cache function
lister plugin: replaced internal caching support with pager caching
pager plugin: fixed marker cleaning, content caching: renamed lastUpdate hook to cache, no caching if cache hook fails
pager plugin: added page content content support (uses lastUpdate(&$cacheTime, &$cacheKey) hook), optimized content gathering
cache: added lastUpdate function (get last update timestamp for $module)
pager plugin: content module plugin list only initted for add,copy and edit, data only gather if is show field


pager plugin: setup template cached
pager plugin: error template only initted if needed, template reparse done only once
jas: javascript fixes links last
pager: moved page/template cms options to top, added view page link to template section
mysql storage: table function optimization
functions: modules list(s) cached
cache module: removed unique key (already enforced by identifier)
lister plugin: added (file based) caching support
configFields module: validates module field before custommizing other fields
cache: interval based auto cleanup (abuses cleanup accessed interval)
captcha+cache: mime object loading (and thus xml db) only done if needed
cache: module based only gets entry the first time (it caches the cache), fixed unit tests for module cached cache


image.php: fixed for new cache constructor parameter
cache: uses mime object to determine content-type: based on key or content
mime xml database: better jpg content detection
captcha: uses mime object to determine content-type, header filename extension in lower case
added configCaptcha modules, config reads captcha configuration, captcha: uses configCaptcha configuration options, jas: added captcha configuration support
mimetypes module: fixed regexp validation bug
data: regexp field allows list options (not validated)
cms: new captcha image is now a link (doesn't react on enter press), added captcha IE random hack
cache, cms and email: default config options read from config modules
config: fixed reload user/group on first load bug
jas: renamed seperat to separat
renamed seperat to separat in include directory
config: cache, cms and email array entries only initted if database entry, fixed configCMS, configCache and configFields fields displaying
cache: uses configCache configuration options: module/file caching enabled/disabled, module/file cleanup time, file public enabled/disabled (latter disallows redirect support), added file based redirect unit test
added configCache module, config reads cache configuration, jas: added cache configuration support
cache: added cache module, added module based caching support, cleanup checks on accessed time, simple key search (no regexp), reorganized functions, added module based unit test, fixed file based unit tests


cache: uses FS object and functions instead of own implementations
cache: added unit tests for all functions
fs: added rename function, added unit tests, added additional checks to copy unit tests
cache: cleanup checks on modification time, cleanup return fail, filenames may not be empty or start with a dot
unit_testing plugin: fixed test tree render for XML change: 2223


lister plugin: added default item/list templates, advanced templates handling for default and custom templates, added descriptive example template
xml: removed _ spltting for keyed array's


bash: changelog fixed for new path
pager plugin: return page is last/current categories, root/normal pages have specific cms options, template overview cleaned up
data: tableExists check ignored for table creation/altering
jas: css pager style adjusted
jas: renamed icons
move download, draw, graphs, pureftpd, system_statistics and w3c_validator plugins to separate development trees
moved to bash, added changelog script, updated hgignore
pager plugin: content is always plugin (via pluginConfig module), removed basic content rendering (in content plugin)
data/module: fixed extend module copying
added content plugin
lister plugin: added search+dynamic actions support, added static item/list listing, page browser only for multiple pages, adde oddeven support
data: added search count support, merged item,list and all count support, tree get uses self reference from field


lister plugin: fixed pluginConfigs dynamic fields
data: added getGroupID
cms: proper html checkboxes (no ugly javascript required)


pluginConfigs module: fixed for postExtend
module: removed postExtend module specific trigger
data: restructured module initialization (see docs/Flow - Data v0.2.dia), moduleSpecificFunction chaned action parm and no function argument passed
updated Data flow diagram
docs: added new Data flow diagram
cleaned up docs dictory, added Data flow diagram
data: non module locked categories automatically update for move and delete actions, cache set default values before set request values


data: action+extra default option, Data::cache: new request var clears values, setAction+setExtra also set extended modules, recode setModule, setAction and setExtra, moved valid action+extra checking to constructor
cms: fixed empty password field notice
cms: splitted form in multiple function, fixed simple+front forms for new setup, added showErrors options
data: removed storage object caching (too buggy)
config CMS+Email: fixed fake title, fixed email port max bug


jas: categorie list "up" button fixed, field groups animated


notes module: fixed title
data: fixed storage object caching, storage saves real type


include: empty timezone notice fixed
xml storage: project specific caching
xml storage: fixed xml file caching bug (multiple modules with same name used same caching)


pager plugin: backend shows page after cms, templates not shown for container categories
pager plugin: backend recoded
jas: added pager table style
lister plugin: fixed pluginConfigs min/max values
data: add only checks form+sql fields


plugin: fixed import plugin name match
jas: nav cat var file field checking added, nav html valid
jas: added tabs styling
jas: fixed navigation displaying endless loop
cms: fixed move request var reading bug


jas: fixed groups.js script
categories: added moduleLock field, data: added dynamic category module support


pager plugin: uses cached modules, fixed pluginConfigs template non required bug


xml: added (buggy) indexed array set support
pureftpd plugin: fixed user group reference bug


headers: fixed cache control private no overwrite, added (commented) no-cache headers


data: captcha only renewed if submitted in module


cms: changed group div classes, added groupFooter div, jas fixed css


data: resetField non existing field bug fix


fs: files .directories also gathered on getDotFiles, added unit test
cli unit tests use empty ~/.ssh/
cli: added interactive exec, exec doesn't fail on program errors, added unit tests+translations


xml storage: uses FS class, file data read checks if file exists
data: file upload uses FS class
fs: added size, exists, getACL and setACL support, added translations+unit tests
data: uses storageObject caching


add cli class with ssh support, added cli unit test+translations
fs: add isInitialized test, added copy, fixed php version check for SRO, splitted SRO unit tests, added new unit tests


unit_testing plugin: renamed module test to testmodule: conflicting with unit_testing_test plugin class name


fs: added files (enchanged recurse dir), mkdir and delete functions, fileModeConvert string fixes+removed string2string check, added unit tests


unit_testing plugin: added fs getTime, setTime and diff tests
fs: added getTime,setTime and diff functions
csv: added email include, jas: fixed division by zero
diff: alignment skips new entries, alignment skips second if first got aligned
data: added setRequestValue, cache object can use different requestVar, setValues clears all non-control fields


added basic Diff class+unit tests
data: setValues clears all field values, count single item checks database instead of always returning 1
unit_testing plugin: added csv tests
csv: rewrite, export uses new csv class


storage: added session+xml aggregation failure+unit tests
fs: fixed inDir end slash bug, added unit tests for inDir, realPath, recurseDir, read and write functions
error: added error objects errors are not logged (again)


fs: added set/get User,Group,Mode,UserMode,GroupMode and OtherModer function, added translations and unit tests


removed special storage (csv+fake)
data: clear called at init, modulesObject+modulesClassName cleared, added submit "text" field check


unit_testing_test plugin: moved unit_testing_test to misc directory


unit_testing plugin: added "e" object tests
* strips ); from short error calls
data: added text (output) data format


unit_testing plugin: added storage unit tests+translations
unit_testing plugin: added test module, failing tests display fatal errors
storage: translations
data: db parameter passed to sub-data objects
session storage: session name variable, fixed insertID support, add+edit use _getValues
storage: renamed _filterShowTotal function, storage unique clears sort, mysql removed bogus insertID


data: storage file extension detection+xml class autoloaded, xml storage: init restructure+fildataDir check+read/write no file detection, storage objects use parent:: keyword
xml: added comment, close and deleted tags filter to next+search functions, added unit tests
unit_testing plugin: constructor tests: use $object, removed global _path
email: uses Socket class for sending


httpd: added FORKSCRIPT global variable scope hack, fixed server stop, proper uid/gid setting, fixed dir request .php bug, added comments to httpd.xml
added bash script: generates language xml output from ->add calls in given files
httpd: added fork headers support (requires APD), unset argc, added readConfig filter, fixed add HTTP headers,
unit_testing plugin: added httpd+socket units, added http+httpd tests + translations, fixed email tests errors
http: added header replace, clear+addCookie+addHeader return boolean, socket clear returns boolean
error: added logging mode: none


httpd: config read from httpd.xml, config options handled in class, added forked request handling (buggy), renamed webserver.php httpd,
added mp (Multi Process) class+translations
error: added stderr+stdout logging output, Error::add object uses added function instead of direct array access
data: added getDefaultValue function


httpd: splitted up request handler, uses mime for content type, additional checks
unit_testing plugin: fixed for FS::recurseDir, added fs tests, removed from functions tests, setup returns value
data: fixed search show_totals bug, fs: fixed recurseDir bug
archive,cache,cms,data,plugin: FS::recurseDir used, added fs translations
added fs (filesystem) class, moved recurseDir from functions to fs class
socket: added file socket checks, added ipv4/6 address checks, inet function fixed
unit_testing plugin, graphs plugin, jas: fixed translations for new translate marker
fixed translations for new translate marker
language: renamed dynamic marker to translate, fixed language java script for new translate marker
http: extends socket, splitted off httpd: extends http, added translations, optimizations
error: screen output translates error messages
language: uses default language (en) if config is not available
socket: added connection stats, last socket error saved, removed blocking check, added get+set socket option functions, fixed accept bugs


language: project initialised check, added test/ to hgignore
added socket class+translations


archive+cache: use language object in error object
added EXIF class+translations


xml storage: added filedata file prefix
storage base: fixed sort for no sort fields
csv: rewrite: allows read, save csv files, grid based manipulations, 3 dimensional arrays


added proper session storage, data uses new session storage object
storage: added generic add/edit _getValues function, xml+mysql uses _getValues instead of own logic
storage: added filtering+sorting to base class, xml storage: uses base filter+sorting+dataSet caching, data: removed xml sort cache hack
storage: restructured initialization


jas: setup fixes: config resets default values, data properly creates categories+rights, fixed translations
categories module: skips rights copy for top level category
jas: syncData vmax fix, submit fix
xml storage: add: fixed double id insertion bug
data: control fields min/max fix, dataformat==sql allows update of all fields+only sql fields are checked, added reminders
xml storage: edit: double htmlentities bug fixed
categories module: fixed rights manipulation fields for min/max
xml storage: fixed edit function, added delete function, removed uniqueness checking (done in data), added: only filedata fields from current module


headers: fixed HTTP_USER_AGENT notice
image: added TGA support, added translations, fixed error message, output+save stop on no image data
jas: navigation rewrite: uses tree function


base+mysql storage: treeDown check treedepth for max depth if set, data: treedepth checked
configCMS module required indicator field fixed for min/max
data: fixed image+file, treedepth for min/max, array field type not checked, copy submit sets order and default values, fixed image+file errors


cms: move uses all control fields
data: newcatnr max fix, m,a,e field not checked
data: cache project specific, cache register in seperate sub array (ensures no overwrite)
fixed config module missing ,
headers: ie https downloads fixed
jas: fixed bugs module for new min/max structure
jas: fixed plugin modules for new min/max structure
jas: fixed modules for new min/max structure
fixed system plugin modules for new min/max structure
fixed system modules for new min/max structure
data: checks all fields, checks min+max if not false instead of not 0, fixed defaultFields+addField for min/max, added date/time/datetime min/max checks
data: cache doesn't store reference->check module


data: m+a+e+r fields intialized earlier (fixes field already exists errors), removed nr+catnr default init, lost action only valid if categories reference, fixed translations


module: fixed extend for new data options argument
jas: fixed chmod for new rights structure, fixed chown for new data options argument, chmod+chown partial rewrites
data: added skipPostInit option, cache runs postInit function after copy


fixed system_statistics plugin for new data options argument
jas: fixed syncData+setup+csv for new data options argument
unit_testing plugin: fixed data+error tests for new data options argument
fixed cms, error, mime and plugin for new data options argument
data: dataformat, requestVar and db arguments replaced with "options" argument (array)
categories module postInit return true
fixed reload_trigger for all actions, categories: rights non users categories check only done when values are submitted
storage: removed deprecated rights code
xml storage: rights reference related code use referenced field instead of reference name
moved rights manipulation logic+checks to categories module, fixed translations+cms for new rights structure, categories::deletePostSubmit bogus for loops removed
data: multiple non sql self references allowed, getSelfReference only return sql self references, reload_trigger always emptied
removed rights action from groupRights+userRights
cms+data: added reload trigger field: set to field triggering javascript reload


jas: showBrowser uses proper field names
form: proper reference naming
data: further removed required property, addField revised: field may not exist, newcatnr 2nd self reference exception, reference value copying revised, auto ordering revised
data+mysql storage: rights reference related code use referenced field instead of reference name


data: copy fully recurses object, reference fake field links restored after copy


form: fixed tree view bug introduced in changeset 2044
settings: added "move" checks similar to categories module, fixed categories module
system_statistics plugin: removed deprecated required property
data, settings modules, pager plugin modules: removed deprecated required property
form: data functions use getSelfReference
system_statistics plugin: removed add tree action from keys modules
categories+forum+settings modules: removed add tree action (done in data)
storage base+mysql: tree functions support alternative self reference name
data: only one self reference allowed, tree action+treedepth field automatically added on reference creation, added tree self reference check
moved tree extra actions down/up to data.base from modules: categories+forum+settings
data: code indent
special storage: removed depreceated password function
data: user->password uses storage::edit, user->password owner based: forced to current user, password property leading not field type
cms+data: removed break field support
storage (all): removed deprecated owner function
data: owner action uses storage::edit function
data: fixed no reference values notices


plugin: modules setup return true if no modules are found
graphs+pureftpd+system_statistics plugins: module specific functions have proper return value
lister+pager plugins: module specific functions+setup have proper return value


module specific functions have proper return value for: config+configCMS+configEmail+configFields+pluginConfigs+users
proper module class usage for: groupRights+userRights+settings+notes
data: fixed multi move support (@check+unique+submit)
storage (all): removed deprecated move function
data: move uses storage::edit, catnr no longer hardcoded for move, added multi move support (also in categories module), change id+categories error messages, fixed getRightsReference caching, multi password fix, removed old code
data: proper getID+Data::cache usage
mysql storage: moved edit logic to data submit
storage: removed all translations, added new error translations


storage mysql: moved user rights delete to users module
storage mysql: moved category rights copy+delete to categories modules
mysql storage: added looseFiltering support to edit+delete functions
data: added user+order submit rights checks
storage mysql: unique function support modules without ID field
module: removed error object: should use data error object
storage: removed rights checks from mysql+xml storage functions
data: added rights check before submit, submit function returns on error before submit and PostSubmit call, changed submit error message
data: order fields value set before error check, multipel order fields supported, submit uses cache data objects
jas: added test+testTwo translations
added mimetypes translations
mysql storage: fixed database alter error messages+translations
skeleton plugin: added skeleton storage+setup


fixed category based rights manipulation, cms copy shows instructions, added translations
data: moved categories specific move checks to categories module, fix old category check
cms: fixed error messages
data: fixed error messages, removed old code
data: fixed anonymous password check, applied to all entries
storage base+mysql: removed count+module functions
data: moved auto delete content to categories module, added auto delete subcategories support
unit_testing plugin: added data tests
added stub storage, renamed file storage to csv, fixed storage filename bug, added xml+stub to db.conf.php
data: dynamic storage object support system+plugins, system db.conf.php always loaded (definition can be referenced)
jas: graphs+system_statistics plugin modules: fixed PreSubmitErrorCheck+PreGetErrorCheck functions
pluginConfigs+users modules: fixed PreSubmitErrorCheck functions
data: renamed PreGet->PreGetErrorCheck+PreSubmit->PreSubmitErrorCheck, PreGet+PreSubmit called after succesful errorCheck+post functions
data: splitted up errorCheck properly, copy fixes moduleObject back-reference, remove categoryless module workaround, default localfile(s) path has slash


skeleton plugin: added description+translation
jas: plugins info page translates plugin description


error: log module valies cleared, unit_testing plugin: error->log test fixed for new module caching structure


jas: showBrowser uses cached modules
form: uses cached modules
jas: optimized navigation: plugins title based on plugin directory, sorted subnav loop
jas: nav+view functions uses cached modules, _benchmark styling adjusted
data: get uses cached modules, m2m uses cached empty module
error+module+plugin: use new style Data::cache calls
data: cache register var last argument, db accepts false, cache accepts no module
module: extends+extendBy use cached modules
plugin: info+deps+config reading use cached modules
error: uses cache registered log module
data: added cache function: returns cached modules copy or cache registered module references, addRef uses cached modules


data: optimized reference module caching, removed return value from constructor
error: renamed _module cache variable
added data translations, added test project to hgignore
cms: control fields only shown if actual have value, fixed frontform
storage: mysql+xml allow valuetype=get id's in get query, xml fixed updated note


xml storage: added edit function, fixed added normal unique check
include: _benchmark object only initialized once
xml storage: added xml object caching
xml storage: commented out index support, fixed non index based primary key checking, fixed isUnique check


jas: plugins main info page setup init function fix, added debug style color
skeleton plugin: added pre/post setup/deSetup function, init function return value
data: module specific function strict return value check, changed error translation, log remove space
plugin: added pre/post setup/deSetup return value checking
unit_testing plugin: added modules setup, pluginConfigs module specific functions have return values
unit_testing plugin: data unit tests: added BaseData test
unit_testing plugin: plugin unit tests: added BasePluginSetup, fixed BasePluginBackend tests
data: old module definition debug error, module specific function return NULL debug error
config: user/group nr reload fix, added config translation
log module: made proper module, added titles, added translations
unit_testing plugin: error unit tests: added error translations, fixed errors
error: added debug error type, fixed logging check, rewrote any+show functions, added any "show" option
unit_testing plugin: added error tests
unit_testing plugin: added setup
unit_testing plugin: email fixed linebreaks conversion failures
unit_testing plugin: added UT_SKIPPED support


jas: plugins page: fixed deSetup->no bug, fixed translations
plugin: fixed deSetup translations


jas: plugins page: control status fixed
plugin: getStatus always sets and returns status, set status returns true on succes
pager plugin: removed old setup main function, setup created style+script dirs
jas: plugins page: added deSetup support
plugin: added deSetup support, added pre/post setup/deSetup calls, fixed config error endless loop bug


data: localfile checkField NULL value check
pureftpd plugin: remove bogus pureftpd.php
graphs plugin: fixed error reporting, dataSet re-get valuetype=set


jas: plugins page: frontend link not shown if no frontend is available
plugin: added no frontend support, removed default frontend options from pluginInfo module
jas: plugins page: fixed no backend control error


plugin: removed bogus default values set in readInfo
data: setValues set NULL/empty storage values to NULL
form: fixed dataSelect no sub cats bug


email: fixed linebreak detection, line breaks fixed for all text attachments
email: added alternative server support (ignores PHP mail function), authentication to be fixed


added domain field type support (also in cms+mysql)
jas: added configEmail to system->config page
email: configEmail support
data: submitting user->login doesn't reset values


unit_testing plugin: fixed plugin unit tests: uses tmp file instead of system plugins dir for temporary file, fixed BasePlugin(Backend) calls


email: embedded html uses relative paths
unit_testing plugin: added message from file tests
email: message accepts a filename as input
email: added embeddedHTML support, splitted fixLineBreaks, wordwrap only on text, attachment mim detection on file, fixes for multipart, attachment filename path stripped


unit_testing plugins: added mime class tests
unit_testing plugin: added email class tests
email: uses mime class to detect content type, attach auto reads content, attach default encoding+content type based on content, fixed bcc clear
mime: splitted file read message, added new mimetypes
data: setValues clears values first
xml: tags cleanup path based, added deleted items checks, endless loop fix


added mime class: dynamic mimetype detection, uses mimetypes module+mime.xml
xml storage: insertID not required, lock file not required, index file not required


email: mostly redone, added attachments support


data: submit only sets default values for add, forceUpdate fields always set to default


xml storage: filedata stored as raw data (real file), data: doesn't decode filedata fields for xml based storage
xml storage: added filedata support
mysql storage: fixed add checkRights for non-root non-catref modules


jas: frontend login: auto selects project if only 1 project
data: submit vmax check/default values only done when manipulating data
mysql storage: removed old search support


jas: fixed data search page for new search setup (depended on vkeys)
data: search now based on view->all+like operator, fixed field search (depended on vkeys), added search error translation


jas: fixed show_total typo
data: removed vkeys support, renamed sqlValue entry var name, get/submit don't recheck vmax, submit defaultValues refactor, checkField doesn't set defaultValues


xml storage: line operant = last used operant
storage base: proper lost (and found) function
data: fixed get vkeys/vmax determination
data: added allowed field operators for all field types
mysql storage: lost query optimisation


xml storage: added like operators support, all operators case insensitive
data: defaultOperant set at field init, fixed odd sort bug


storage base: removed search function requirement, mysql storage: removed debug info
data: added "(not) (start/end) like" text operators, mysql storage: added action=all like operators support
mysql storage: merged search function into get, data->get uses storage->get for search
mysql+base storage: unique check self id check not for add action
xml storage: redone get filtering, added get login support, non-root users manipulate error, removed unqiue function (in base)
data: checkField default set doesn't overwrite valuetype


system_statistics plugin: fixed ssh pluginInfo default values bug
storage base: added unique+count functions: use get function
plugin: fixed readInfo so it copes with empty values


mysql storage: uniqe support multi arguments, fixed translations
mysql storage: view->all brackets around every entry
data/mysql: moved sqlOperator mapping to mysql
xml storage: updated translations
xml storage: removed miscFile: stored in dataFile
xml storage: fixed insertID bug+primary key violation, added unique index violation check, misc rows updated on add
xml storage: added basic indexes support, added forced ID support, moved module check to read function
xml: uses key for setting data, path f*cks up in case of multiple matches


jas: enforces jas jseskey
added jas.php jas project entry point
jas: session stored in jseskey jas, jseskey forced
project/session setup: jseskey remembered: used to determine correct session and thus project, removed _lockProject, _project handles initial lock, fixed index.php+data.php for new setup
data: login only gets name
data: edit unique fields check only done if information changes


storage mysql: fixed alter/create translations


comments module: proper setup, fixed bugs, removed userrights (category based)


users module: increased username+password minimum length
global verification field name translation
storage base: remove password+login functions
cms password translation
mysql: removed password change, data password change based on storage edit
data.base: added content->user rights type, mysql: removed login, fixed rights check, added get login support, data: added login support
wysiwyg script: fixed short tags cleanup, fontsize dropdown 50px width
pager plugin: added favicon path fix
jas: item view shows image file name
data: added image additional fields translations
data.base: setValue+setDefaultValue update vkeys array
images.php: correct data format conversion, forced nr value, forced clearValues after cache check


jas: plugins pages: control clone made at start
pager plugin: fixed notices
removed ie https fix from headers.php, file+export: ie https fix


xml storage: config notice fix, jas: database setup mysql is default
xml storage: merged _create functions, _create lock, splitted maintenance function, miscMaintenance full lock
xml storage: redone locking based on lock file, unlock failures return false, removed locked from misc file, fixed translations
xml storage: added add support, added insertID support, basic checkRights+unique support, removed get check, rows strict check


xml storage: data module check plugin fix
storage base: results array, treeUp+treeDown calls use clear, mysql: uses fake type instead of db, fake clear+next use base
storage: renamed cls to clear, removed clear from special+xml (in base), removed next from special (in base)
storage: moved xml treeUp+treeDown to main storage class, tree functions use fake db type
xml storage: tree up+down: speed optimization, results array fix
xml storage: added treeDown, treeUp error handling
php script runs in configured timezone


storage: updated translations, xml storage added additional check+translations, removed misc+index file table exists checks
xml storage: added write support, maintenance checks on misc rows+insertID, create files only if file isset
xml storage: added locking support, renamed open function to read, added write function skeleton


jas: system tables page: added table maintenance support
data: added storage maintenance function support: detected in tableExists
xml storage: added index file support, special file open function, splitted up create function, added maintenance function


headers: HTTP_USER_AGENT not set notice fix
system_statistics plugin: added ssh_known_hosts+ssh_stricthostkeychecking pluginInfo options, strict checking+hosts stored


xml storage: cls function, "r" field hack, added treeUp function
jas: tree up bug fixed
data: xml resort: only if values, not for tree action
data: resort checks fields, resort notices fixed, data from xml storage auto sort
xml storage: sort fields gather: needed for data to do sorting
storage: added type var to mysql, special, storage and xml storage objects
xml storage: added table+misc create, get does filtering, showfield and limit
xmli: fixed xmli config notices
mysql: removed old extra copy option
jas: setup database: added xml database support
jas: setup dirs: added data directory


cms: empty groups not shown, fix anchoring tags, captcha new reload text
data: added resetField type,use,properties,min,max and defaultvalue values to original state
cms: added anchoring support: reload property jumps to field anchor, anchoring configurable
data: fixed index translation
lockProject allows pre-overwrite, default root path if not set, removed old include from export.php
jas: frontend login logic changed: no project=login to jas, otherwise to select project (none = jas)
functions: plugins read dir errors surpressed
removed discIndexLabels.xls
mysql: fixed user based copy query bug
mysql: fixed query txt's for translations
data: added action+extra translations


cms: fixed checkbox onchange IE bug


removed http headers from session.php, added ie https file download fix to headers.php, include.php autoloads headers.php
form: textarea xhtml fix


system_statistics plugin: fixed backend view include
pager plugin: fixed backend copy action
jas: real fix for login box for opera 10 wand login, change 1812: copy action fix
core: fixed copy action instead of extra option for add
jas: fixed login box for opera 10 wand login


mysql: fixed reference update bug


data: setValues sets valuetype to get


added csv dutch translations


csv: added data showfields support, export allows semicolon seperated fields list


pager plugin: uses request("s") to check for submit
data: removed default "s" field
cms: uses request("s") to check for submit, added auto modules select for categories
cms: fixed showSubmit div closure bug
cms: boolean field fake yes/no representation
data: changed checkFields errors to set Entry # in extra error field
cms: added required indicator image select


cleaned up jas path hack code in captcha, file, image, xml and xmlrequest entry points, fixed paths in data and xmlrequest entry points
jas: functions include for switch.php
xml/export interface: old header calls
csv/xmli: integrated headers in output function, added content length header to xmli


cms: added configurable "additional" submit buttons


data+cms: added captcha support
mysql: added captcha field type, captcha: default height 30
fixed captcha for jas integration
added captcha class, input and font


data: setValues valuetype bug fix (non gathered values were also set to set)


data: setValues sets valuetype to set
cms: category group on adding only shown if catnr not hidden
jas: removed duplicate benchmark declaration in project.php
index.php cleanup: moved benchmark to include, added empty lockProject to include.php


email: email address regexp define, moved error init to constructor
added settings translations


csv: fixed jas path bug


export methods configurable, added export translations, fixed csv header bug
xmli: removed debug info
xmli read/write/login/miscellaneous configurable


data: re-added sql field based format shortcuts


cms: added timezone displaying for datetime fields, date/time format+timezone displaying configurable, added translations
jas: float fields formatting
cms: default data init uses form dataformat


data: fixed multiple timezoneConvertion bug, removed forceUpdate faulty optimization, removed bogus field based sql formatting rules
data: added automatic datetime timezone conversion
added timezone fields (sql+html+form) to config modules, add timezone field translations, fixed configFields tooltips
added timezoneConvert function


added nr translation
added export.php: supports exporting data to csv
added simple CSV class: data to csv (1 level deep)
mysql: edit catnr bug fixed
mysql: removed duplicate primary key setting for table alter
data: added treedepth show field: contains relative depth of item on tree action


data: images/files only read if uploaded correctly
added regexp field type, removed old zipcode field type
cms: fixed rights categorie and users dropdowns


benchmark class required once, added content module translations


pager plugin: moved tree to control, bunch of bug fixes, plugin support alternative control template, custom content list, splitted cms, category template required
lister plugin: added no config fix
jas: global TH text align
.htaccess: added number rewrite rule
template: data tries all fields
cms: added localfile empty option
jas: plugins: remove fail shows error, setup only tried if root
pureftpd plugin: group defaults on group change in edit mode


plugin: fixed BasePlugin class config variable
plugin: fixed remove+setup error messages
jas: removed browse option from plugin page
pager plugin: added default index template, added to setup
jas: fixed plugin setup+remove displaying bugs, style+translation fix
jas: fixed plugins pages: moved all logic to logic.php
plugins: splitted backend+setup logic+output, added copy+backendOutput functions, removed setup output function
plugins: added optional backend control function


pager plugin: added fix for pluginConfigs module not active during setup
plugin: added extended module checking during setup
added skeleton plugin
jas: plugin remove/setup "no" button fixed, force checkbox translate, added setup translations
plugin: removed bogus args passthru from setup functions
pager plugin: added setup
jas: added plugin setup support, moved export to bottom, fixed styling for plugin info page
plugins: added setup functionality (similar to backend class), removed old modules var from all plugin classes, removed config var from backend base class
jas: nav+plugins only loaded if logged in


data: tableExists generates "sql" error: won't hang jas if logging is enabled and table doesn't exist
mysql: rights function returns true on succes
jas: setup grants anon user to user category to be able to login


plugins: renamed BaseBackend to BasePluginBackend, fixed pager, draw, graphs and system_statistics plugins, fixed unit_testing tests
jas: fixed setup bugs+translations
config: logging off by default, pluginInfo plugin sql field, added table create+alter translations
jas: global errors shown on all pages, import errors on top of page
mysql: userRights/groupRights module double from/join bug fixed
jas: renamed showFunctions.php to functions.php, removed old projectInfo.php
jas: project loggin required before any can be done, moved project switch to index.php


system_statistics plugin: added keynr indexes for diskspace, networking and sensors
pureftpd plugin: fixed modules for new unique indexes
fixed core+jas modules for new unique index functionality


data/mysql: replaced old unique+uniqueInCategory support with index like unique support, added uniqe/index cross checks


data: added index support, mysql: primary, uniqueInCategory, unique and index table create+alter extended and cleaned up


graphs plugin: added results counter in form, splitted postInit function
data: get referDepth=false doesn't do get query (allows count only)
mysql: fixed count for aggregation


jas: list view only gets+shows title fields
graphs plugin: dataSet copy fix
data: all field titles stored in t array
graphs plugin: removed old dataSet translations
data: added aggregation title+translations
cms: fixed config notices
jas: fixed project select incorrect redirect, styling tweaks, data fields overview max 400px high
jas: config: moved list to control bar
jas: lite+default styling tweaks
jas: moved login/project to top bar, styling tweaks, moved login+selectProject function to showFunctions
.htaccess redirect rewrite rules
graphs plugin: dataSet uses mysql aggregation instead of using full data set
system_statistics plugin: networking speed fields use new received, transmitted and timepast fields for calculation
added sum aggregation support, fixed incorrect aggregation type checking bug
system_statistics plugin: networking pre submit optimization
system_statistics plugin: networking dataformat fix, added networking translations
system_statistics plugin: stores traffic difference in addtion to counter


added query based aggregation support


graphs plugin: added default date/time list options for aggregation interval
jas: default quick list options style, disabled javascript grouping
cms: fixed default listOptions dropdown for subcms
data: added listoptions support for text, title and nr fields, fixed list/enum options error, cms: nr/text default listOptions dropdown
graphs plugin: added point type support
graphs plugin: added data set aggregation
graphs plugin: use sql (real) values: fixes float round bug, added multiple sort fields for data set
graphs plugin: added axis labels formatting, added addition data set, no auto axis labels
graphs plugin: display all axis fix, removed old sizepersecond display method, added autoAddLineLabels option
mysql: renaming fields only renames new fields once


graphs plugin: only sql sort+filter fields in data set, pluginConfigs min/max/interval big ints
graphs plugin: data gathering multiple filters fix, fixed reget bug


graphs plugin: data set optimization: same data set only read once
graphs plugin: fixed translations, data field title have nr
cms: fixed subcms dontgetdata javascript bug
system_statistics plugin: key reference reload
graphs plugin: added data set support, added line rendering
form: fixed associative listview selected bug


jas: added test+testTwo modules
jas style: listview max height, smaller reference manipulation dropdown


configCMS: reference manipulation option also available for dropdown reference style, added fake config title
cms: added reference manipulation sub cms support
form: removed dataListview itemprefix option


cms: added configurable dropdown/list for references
form: added dataListview function, code restructuring
cms: reload/disabled properties fix for *:1 alternative name
jas: fixed many to many no rights data notice, code cleaned up
data: *:1 alternative name fix
renamed form::dataList to dataSelect, cms reference code restructured
data: removed old module extend 1:1 parent crap


jas: cms listview style
cms: added configurable dropdown/list fields: list+multilist+module+modules+localfile+localfiles+plugin+project+action+extra, module category hack bug fix
form: added listview function
jas: plugins frontend page configuration selection


system_statistics plugin: customizeFields for all actions, Sensors is default type
graphs plugin: customizeFields for all actions, customizeFields uses deleteGroup functionality
data: added deleteGroup function, cms doesn't reread copied data second time


graphs plugin: added front support: allows basic pluginConfigs
graphs plugin: max needs to be bigger then min, bar only "shown" if it has coords, fixed error messages
draw plugin: labels only drawn if visible and coord exists
data: enumOptions accepts arrays, enumOptions+listOptions optimization
data::copy partial fix: seems clone only clones main object, not references to other object/arrays in the object


graphs plugin: renamed old graph translation xml
added dropdown property for nr fields: requires max value
system_statistics plugin: uses graphs plugin


system_statistics plugin: depends on graphs 1.0
renamed graph plugin to graphs, graphs 1.0 stable
removed deprecated graphs plugin
added download plugin
cms: fixed no styling+fake displaying bug
w3c_validator plugin: added html parse exceptions support, html charset autodetect
mysql storage: fixed list count query bug
jas: added deprecated plugins displaying
graphs plugin: deprecated
system_statistics plugin: uses new graph plugin
graph plugin: added interval function, added axis label display (size/date/append) support, added axis margin support, date base axis label fix, grid intervals fix, auto interval fix


draw plugin: coords nout rounded, improved line+rectangle draw functions (round fixes), renamed grid coords->intervals


draw: label styling
graph plugin: added date convertion+autodetect support
graph plugin: single point lines, label array arg support, label rendering fixed
draw plugin: single point line support, t+bcolor support for line/corner, full size labels
graph plugin: added line text base value support
graph plugin: fixed axis min>0 and max<0 support, tilt no arg tilts all, added text base value support, auto interval off by one fix
graph plugin: base axis interval determination on items, fixed label vert+axis label notices
graph plugin: grid has seperate interval, label rendering overlap protection, interval based on static labels if set, label vert+axis label fix for static set
draw plugins drawing set text strict checking
data: no image/file upload error if required, fixed data translation file bug
image module field title changed, added images/files data nl translation
data: files/images additional fields get decent title
data: file/image upload error checking, fixed _FILES mess up bug


graph plugin: added labels support


graph plugin: clear values only support, axis orientation only used for base axes, added indicator+tilt support, fixed multiple middle position bugs,  multiple graphs in backend
graph plugin: base axing, fixed placing, horz/vert rendering


graph plugin: added bar support, drawing borders removed on clear
draw plugin: tooltips always rendered on top, rectangle 1 point support (no forced width/height) used for tooltips


new graph plugin: based on draw plugin
draw plugin: fixed last line point missing tooltip bug, grid only rendered if stepsize>0
draw plugin: show/hide support
system_statistics plugin: fixed pluginDependencies
draw plugin: line/corner array input support


draw plugin: added tooltips support, added style sheet, moved label positioning to _drawLine, drawRectangle auto width/height support, div elements
draw plugin: merged text+label function
draw plugin: added text align support
draw plugin: text (+color) support, line label support, corner type fix, moved grid function, ie opacity support
draw plugin: added corner support
draw plugin: clear function, drawing+grid items (color+border support), lines/rectangle rendered if opacity, transparent background support
pureftpd plugin: fixed customize fields on group select


added draw plugin: line+rectangles drawing + basic colors


plugin: remove faulty error
language: added clear, store and restore functions, auto restore from session, read checks file modtime, added reloadTranslations support
jas: plugins description shown, language page styling + nl translations
pluginInfo description field, nl translation
jas: stores language, added language system page
language: added clear, store and restore functions, auto restore from session, read checks file modtime, added reloadTranslations support
cache: save writes to tmp file first then renames, added read+size functions, added nl translations
log default sort: datetime descending, added pluginDependencies nl translations
unit_testing plugin: database error logging disabled during testing
added module nl translations, added cache .htaccess to tree
jas: removed old modules
data+storage nl translations
language: dynamic/notranslate do multiline
mysql storage get function add joins for foreign fields in where class for extra=ll
dateConvert function: more strict input format regexp, unit_testing plugin removed text dateConvert test
unit_testing plugin: addition Cache Contructor tests + nl translations
cache: cache create automatically inserts .htacces, added nl translations
unit_testing plugin: completed xml tests, added nl translations
xml: getXML returns false if path not found, next+search return "current" instead of previous: after first call key>0


xml::getPath return -> path instead of array
unit_testing plugin: template tests
unit_testing plugin: added new class units
unit_testing plugin: added constructor error message to template, xml and xmli
unit_testing plugin: plugin class tests, added unit_testing_test test plugin for import tests, added nl translations
unit_testing plugin: initUnits only loads php files
unit_testing plugin: fixed notices
plugin: import fixed for new pluginInfo style, call function doesn't pass class argument
unit_testing plugin: units without tests base status on underlying units (status untested if no underlying tests


jas: fixed login/logout sub page bug, added setup error nl translation
users module: login wipes original error message after login attempt
data::get does count query first (fixes 2nd query problems)
jas: bugs nl translations
log module nl translation
jas: logs only available for root user, added system tests, fixed nl translations
unit_testing plugin: fixed htaccess+file tests
unit_testing plugin: main accepts display, unit and run arguments, plugin config not required, units sorted
unit_testing plugin: tests core by default
unit_testing plugin: fixed nl translations
unit_testing plugin: moved core test to system
xml: set empty array clean value


jas: project.php only opens index.php in project root
cache+image: file function errors suppressed


data::get count option uses same constraints as normal get except limit: thus doesn't count all but per overview per user
logout gets default groupnr instead of resetting to 0
data: unique in category check fixed for edit action: gets actual category instead of using default value
removed old stats support
jas: benchmark style only applied to div
jas: fixed search old t calls
d function: sql formatting
mysql: select queries optimized: uses left joins instead of subqueries, also removes mysql 4.1 dependency
mysql: select query optimization: uses double subqueries instead of having


cms: added support for hidden multi type fields
system_statistics plugin: fixed pluginInfo init on wrong db bug
jas: view item doesn't display unknown owner message
log module: saves usernr which is NOT the owner
data: fixed storageObject xml file no logging bug, switchDatabase to xml file support
system_statistics plugin: fixed post get speed calculation divide by 0 bug, fixed nl translations
jas: plugins info page notice fix
plugin dependencies init only tried if xml exists
module::extend: set constructor values on init (mainly for non default DB)


system_statistics plugin don't store allusers rights
config*+setting modules don't store allusers rights
mysql: no sql rights field uses default value
log module: always set root as owner
mysql: fixed non category rights modules add rights check, fixed view for allusers query, fixed HAVING clause notice


mysql: no having right clause for root user (speed optimization for large tables)
benchmark: added table column classes, jas: benchmark styling
jas: added pager for large list+nl translations


jas: fixed lite styling, removed bogus break, fixed tooltips
graphs plugin nl translation
jas: fixed styling
benchmark: show in div container, unit_testing plugin template fix
pureftpd, system_statistics and w3c_validator plugins: nl translations
unit_testing plugin: add nl translations


lister plugin: added nl translations, pager plugin translation fix
cleanup lister, pluginInfo, unit_testing, graphs, pureftpd, system_statistics and w3c_validator pluginInfo xmls
system_statistics plugin: dependency for graphs 0.2
jas: dependencies overview on plugins info page
plugin: dependency enabled check, pluginDependencies "required" field now boolean
plugin: added plugin dependencies support and nl translations
jas: fixed graphs, pureftpd, w3c_validator and system_statistics plugins for new pluginInfo xml setup
xml storage: removed module check
plugin: uses xml storage file for pluginInfo, fixed pager, lister and unit_testing plugins for new xml storage
storage: cleanup base class, added xml, fixed mysql+special, removed pluginInfo support, fix nl translations, fixed data class


pager plugin: nl translations
pager plugin: added basic translations
jas: fixed plugins info title
added plugin nl translations
plugin: automatically loads translation, title automatically translated
language: plugins and plugin modules support
jas: added plugin nl translations
jas: deactivated pager double click
plugin: added nl translations, fixed cms error


pager plugin: generate xml fix
lister plugin: pluginConfigs pagebrowser reset fix
wysiwyg script: fixed ie onload, style font filtered, iframes allowed, a onclick allowed, paste triggers iframe clean


wysiwyg script: h tags allowed
wysiwyg script: remove format really removes format, added tag+attribute filtering


language script: t function return normal text if to language is not set
language script: fixed double load, wysiwyg script: unable to load language error surpressed
wysiwyg script: removed empty tag removal


jas: fixed small module view
jas: optimized navigation loading


cms: add/move seperate category group if any groups at all
cms: all field support reload/disabled property, correct disabled argument, fixed default vars notice
jas: fixed error no double translation bug
fixed system_statistics plugin default module values
jas: fixed item view, added translation
jas: added configCMS to system config, css fixes for new cms styling
config automatically loads CMS config, cms uses config to set defaults, added tips to booleans, removed old cms text
added configCMS module+nl translations
wysiwyg script empty tags strip fix
fixed user modules errors
data: images/files additional upload check
images: save+output support type overwrite parameter, fixed _detectType function no detection bug
jas: fixed setup+cms options translations
added modules nl translations


fixed image.php updated timestamp parse bug
cms: fixed for new error translation style
archive: unified errors messages, added nl translations
data+mysql storage: all e->add calls fixed for new translation structure, unified error messages, fixed nl translations
error: show automatically translates: thus logs original errors
language: translation regexp strict: full sentence match only, supports xml generation for missing translations


data: float/double correct html+form formatting


data: default field value expected in raw format, formatted based on field format settings, fixed all modules for this
data: forceUpdate always uses sql data format as input
cms: fixed date format display+translations
config: modules/fields overwrites use upper value if not filled in
wysiwyg script: added indent/outdent, fixed removeFormat, removed some faulty clean up, added translations


wysiwyg script: added font size support, fixed url reparse bug, p tags stripped from attributes, detectTag return tag name
fixed nl users login message
wysiwyg script: IE crappy undo/redo fix, double click only show popup if tag is handled, init ensures in_array is available, detectTags return status, empty tags removed


wysiwyg script: fixed IE getElementsByClassName bug
onload script fixed for multiple onloads for IE
fixed cms translations
language: added |notranslate| support
wysiwyg init hiddes all new fields initially
added translations script in jas, language class array init fix
added wysiwyg translation support+translations
language script: added in_array not found warning, not translatable returned in normal form
added language script: same as php interface only read via xml interface


http script xmli returns body instead of first sub node
http script added xmli function
xmli: added language support
language: added getFilename function
config initial load fixed
jas settings+config: reload show notice, fixed request, fixed nl translations
config reload keeps user and groupnr, fixed config reload notices in data


added number of decimals to formatting options
configFields only shows formatting option applicable to the selected field
added configFields support: allows formatting overwrites per module field, fixed translations, jas: added configFields manipulation
cms always use form dataformat
config: added form sepecific formatting, added module sepecific config support, jas: added module config support, fixed nl translations
jas plugins system_statistics networking module seperators fix
d more strict sql formatting
config+data floatseperator changes: decimal+thousandsseperator, added config groups+auto user module reference+translations
data: fixed translation calls, added nl translations
jas plugins page: fixed translation calls
added groupRights+userRights modules translations, updated config modules translations, fixed jas chown notice
mysql: added rights notices, fixed all errors, added nl translations
data: checkField notice fixed, userRights+groupRights use 2 field unique combination instead of identifier
added "empty" module translations, additional jas translations
translation fixes: storage, users+notes modules
data: redone data translations and error messages, lost action default on (still only available for root)
fixed translation calls for cms+mysql
language: array restructure, dynamic numeric and translated entries not translated again


language support |dynamic| translations
added additional translations for cms,data and jas
added language support to jas
jas: modules+plugins use data->l translation object
added xml interface language.xml template
mysql uses new language implementation
core plugins modules use data->l translation object
core modules use data->l translation object
core classes use new language implementation, remove language support from error class
replaced old language implementation with class+xml implementation, fixed all core language files
fixed form dataList for non category modules, jas quick list fixed for settings
pager plugins: fixed javascript paths, fixed rootpagenr notices


cache automatically cleans up files not access for more then 7 days
cache automatically removes files which haven't been access for 7 days


wysiwyg script: fixed ie replace image selection bug
wysiwyg script: double click opens popup, fixed file edit popup, wysiwyg synced on submit (mozilla resize), renamed event vars, empty img tags removed
wysiwyg script: image url parms changed on resize, base url stripping fixed for jas project popup
wysiwyg script: base url stripping (fixes links+images), increased IE load timeout
fixed http script for new xmli interface
removed old xml interface, xml.php uses xmli class
xmli: added xml headers function, identifier field in default show fields
xmli: added data view+user actions interface
xmli: added project switching


unit_testing plugin: added additional error info to xml tests
xmli: handle methods take xml subset to make sure they use correct tag, removed module info attribute support: done when module name is given
unit_testing plugin: added xmli tests
unit_testing plugin: added template unit, added empty classes+modules+plugins units, moved core classes to classes unit, renamed plugins to plugin, renamed core_functions to functions
unit_testing plugin: added xmli test basics
unit_testing plugin: added test statistics, fixed _prefix bug in _getTests
unit_testing plugin: added plugin tests basics, renamed xml constructor test
unit_testing plugin: ut initTest checks whether current class defines the test, if not it's skipped, requires php 5
unit_testing plugin: added _ prefix to basic functions
unit_testing plugin: added xml tests
xml getChildren strict parent checking: fixes root return self as child bug


xmli: multiple request type support: on error only error returned, added projects support, added module errors, moved functions
added new XML interface basics: will replace old xml.php
xml: added getChildren+getXML function, getType supports path+key+current input, set replace non-attributes bug fix, fixed getName errors


xml: get+setAttribute functions always convert html entities
xml: added get+setAttributes, setInner function refused on short tags


wysiwyg script: added paragraph option, removeformar removes all formatting, IE insertHML+formatBlock workaround
wysiwyg script: added delete option
cms: removed div container


wysiwyg script: added ie(re)storeRange functions, added image attributes edit, popup leave textarea open and is always 50% height


cms: fixed notice+warning duplicate showing
wysiwyg script: added custom tag command, added link attribute change support, fixed fullscreen, added iframe+textarea selection support (IE)
added cache+image class, added cache folder, image.php uses image+cache classes


removed old wysiwyg output
wysiwyg script: added images loading and insertion, ie images select fix
wysiwyg script: added selection support, fixed ie lose selection bug, fixed link/email forms


wysiwyg script: new link/email/files/images popup structure, added special characters popup, files popup styling
http script: internet explorer fixes
xml interface sends text/xml header


wysiwyg script: file loading through xml support, added links+images tabs
added http script data through xml support, added http.js to jas index
fixed xml interface: needs to be redone with xml class


script: added http class, wysiwyg: error window, local vars, added comments, moved clear styling option


wysiwyg: global cmd function, added popup+basic links support, added align, header, list, strike and clear support, moved functions around


jas: added wysiwyg script in header, fixed wysiwyg field size
new wysiwyg editor, moved wysiwyg icons
pngfix only for ie older then 7


fixed getelements script reserved word bug
moved script/include files to script
removed setproject option, index.php has to be in project root
webserver.php has execute bit
pager plugin: content references auto init, fixed template manipulation
XML: added getPathAndKey($path) function, added addInsideAtBegin+addInsideAtEnd, added goto($path), moved function around, get functions error checks


flash script start x/y/w/h object values instead of 0
flash script: rounding fixes, opacity detection fix
empty date/time/datetime fields automatically converted to empty strings (and back)


mysql::unique backwards compatibilty hack: fields support now array input


data move to same category bug fixed: newcatnr didn't overwrite catnr
cms: view/move/owner/delete adds hidden catnr field if extra=list
data sync: fixed always use last module bug, submit button disabled after submit
form::inpurt extra disabled auto modifies to disabled=disabled
data: no category module check for userRights+groupRights
jas: data sync notice fixed
users modules login shows "Login failed" on all errors
Data: PostSubmitErrorCheck module specific function also called if errorCheck fails
fixed upload filename=Array bug
added hgignore to tree
pager plugin fixed for new copy support
jas: fixed for new copy support
added better copy support: action=add, extra=copy


file attributes changed
jas: added search box to control bar
removed data selfReference check, fixed data error messages


merge fix


pager plugins content module->contentnr displayed in form, lister uses set instead of addAfter
mysql insertID uses Data::ID field if set statically, data submit top extend uses getID for gathering insertID's
lister plugin pluginConfigs: additional fields logic
pager plugin backend doesn't show list/item view in cms
pluginConfigs module only uses plugin set workaround for add+edit
jas cms: returnURL only set if not stored already
cms: added isReturnURLStored function, resetReturnURL by default, removed useless resetReturnURL=true from setReturnURL


jas plugins: added frontend link, frontend loads default plugin config
jas plugins main/backend overwrite global cms
pager plugin: pluginConfigs root/start page reload, fixed backend+frontend for categories plugin extendBy
added module::extendBy function


removed initPlugin from system_statistics plugin
jas: removed pm support from plugins pages, plugins info only displays show fields
jas: removed cms pm var support, removed initPlugin from view
removed initPlugin from pager plugin
removed pluginInfo::db overwrite: done in plugin init, additional error checking in special storage for pluginInfo file
pluginConfigs (global, lister, unit_testing, system_statistics) customizeFields fixed, global overwrites m when selecting plugin allowing plugin extending
cms: added disabled property support: disables field but does show, unified reload+disabled support
plugin: fixed initPlugin for pluginInfo+pluginConfig
module extend: removed PreExtend, list+enum options plugin now also inherited
remove initPlugin: done in init, removed initPlugins: only 1 plugin allowed which should use extending
added Data::extendedBy, added PreExtend,PostExtend and PostInit events, removed customizeFields events


fixed lister plugin modules
added favicon to jas


pager plugin: fixed for new module structure, error template img/css/js links auto fixed, render errors displayed in error template
mysql get/search/tree functions do LEFT JOIN: top module gets all data


module extending uses parent action+extra options
mysql: tree up and down use data::getSelfReference, tree down query fixed for extended modules
data: added getSelfReference, getID, getRightsReference, getSelfReference use caching, only allowed 1 id, rights reference and self reference
w3c_validator version 1.0 stable
w3c_validator: reverted urlencode fix
mysql rightGroupClause no rights reference fix
jas automagically loads in_array
added in_array javascript function
w3c_validator: javascript file displaying, commented inline javascript fix, added css+js htmlentities+urlencoding
xml: getInner works on short tags: handy for comments, fixed addAfter
fixed graphs backend style tag, jas css 3.0 valid
w3c_validator: added css support, soap12 parser uses search instead of full path
http hostname notice fix
removed old install.php
webserver cli run check
removed config/settings error displaying on init failure, config sets defaults on failure and keeps trying
fixed jas cat/page/nav notices
logging disabled on db init, extra mysql error info, fixed extra error info displaying, error display order reversed


plugins::remove only allowed for root user, jas remove+import plugin displays messages for non root users
http: exec php uses php-cgi for headers, added header overwrite,  added session var detection, fixed mktime bug, searchHeaders return entry option
http: added POST submit support, added tmp dir+max upload size detection, changed requested* var names, exec php only fails on return code 1
webserver: added timeout config option (reponsiveness when shutting down), added alarm signal before first listen
webserver changes to webroot on startup
http: added cookie support, added _REQUEST var
http: added _SERVER support, removed lastRequest var
http: normal files serving error checking, added error lines for all faulty requests
http: SIGALRM wakes up blocking socket, added setuid/setgid support for running as root at port 80


http: removed contentType var: now hardcoded
http polls socket every 0.1 seconds after 5 seconds only every 1 second, webserver shows request time in 5 decimals
http: added add to start option to addHeader, listen response generated in prepareResponse, added correct response headers
http: php code execute done with exec: makes it a "safe" surround, changed a some typos


added webserver basics, extended http class with server support
error::add logs to screen if error::loggin is set to screen, default is no logging unless set in config


w3c_validator: added js+css files+tagcontent detection
xml: added getName and getType functions
xml: next/search return keys+doesn't return delete and close tags, getAttributes does propper error checking, moved getAttributes, check ID errors
added xml::next, search, reset and getAttribute functions


added data::reset function
xml: renamed tags to tag, c to tags, added clear function
fixed pager for new xml function calls
renamed data::clean to clear
xml: renamed add to addAfter, before to addBefore, moved around some functions, added comments
renamed xml::getID to getKey, id variables to key (confusing with id tag attribute), fixed template for getKey
jas plugins overview shows error for unknown plugin
added js validation link to jas
w3c_validator: added js+css-2.1 icons, added js error, main function returns output, link function return link+img html
fixed groups.js mess up bug, openWindow default type centers window, "external" links open in 90%x90% window
xml display: added tag attribute highlighting, changed some colors
w3c_validator page display feeds page directly in objects: no parsing required
w3c_validator plugin doesn't save output of validate page to buffer
removed print from benchmark start+stop calls
plugins control fix for no plugin modules
included w3c_validator in jas, input.image styling
added w3c_validator plugin: submits last page to w3c for validation and show results
jas executes plugin main+output functions if main=1 argument is given
jas cat arg supports "file" argument forcing load of a subpage
added xml display (syntax highlighting, indenting, etc) function
http: added clear, addCookie, addHeader functions


plugin names allow numeric values
fixed documentation html validation errors+styling
subpage style sheets automagically added
fixed html validation errors in chmod+setup control and list view, fixed rights notice in view item
script tags now have commented comments
fixed html errors
fixed layout html mode uppercase bug, fixed doctype dtd links


plugins: added removed support, fixed control for non existing plugins
plugins: added import support, name check, remove function
data allows init of plugin ".tmp"
archive: added rerootFiles function, open auto generates missing dirs, function errors surpressed
added getDotFiles option to recurseDir: default is false
plugin::setStatus does root check, removed readInfo setStatus hack, moved plugin::export function


added plugin export support
fixed archive _detectMethod for double extentions
added archive tgz send support
added archive::send support
archive: added rar support (untested), added additional zip checks
archive: added bz2+tar.bz2 support, fixed gz output
archive:: added gz+tar.gz+tgz suport, redone method+file checks


added basic archive class


added plugin type to plugin info+overview page
project plugins in include/plugins, moved graphs, pureftpd and system_statistics plugins to jas project directory, fixed system_statistics gather for new path
removed old test modules
pureftpd: removed unique property from identifier
cms also adds hidden field if identfier is displayed
added unique index support to mysql create/alter queries
pluginConfigs plugin+key unique combination
fixed move unique items checks to check new category instead of all, removed debug from mysql
multiple unique/uniqueInCategory fields have a combined uniqueness instead of every value seperate
pluginInfo module not shown in modules list
system_statistics: moved cron/ssh info to top, added cron info, version: 1.0 stable
system_statistics: removed exec path check: won't work over ssh
system_statistics: added testSSHCommand: used on manual run+adding/editting an entry
cms also shows error when not submitting
system_statistics adds hostname to remote keys
grouped cms opens last open, fixed setCookie js function
system_statistics: cleaned up backend displaying, added ssh info to backend
added ssh support to system_statistics plugin


system_statistics added unit+info fields to keys, removed unit from sensors
fixed system_statistics disk space gathering device check bug
system_statistics plugin: fixed non-float bug, added counter overflow detection, swapped networking graph colors
graphs plugin: fixed display array notices, fixed backend example graphs, 0.2beta
fixed unit_testing plugin for new module extend style
jas plugins page: renamed noplugin to overview, new info overview page
added plugins overview+styling, removed plugin enabled/disabled from navigation
added system_statistics disk space graphs
fixed system_statistics disk space config/gathering key bug
added system_statistics sensors graph support
added system_statistics plugin received/transmitted into graphs


system_statistics plugins graphs: added filtering, tooltips display decent values, scale starts at 0
graph plugin: added display value support (tooltips only for now), fixed axis title alignment
changed htmlform data format to form


added execute+graph icons
added basics graph support to system_statistics, networking received/transmitted field now big ints
graphs plugin added fix for non negative min/max values


removed browse data options from plugins control bar
added additional crobjob comment to system_statistics backend, removed gather debug info
fixed system_statistics gather for executing from other directory, fixed modules title fields+sorting,
added support for multi config support to system_statistics cli gather
log module fix for empty remote_addr field
system_statistics pluginConfigs overwrites parent plugin value, fixed module names, removed catnr field from modules
fixed module extend t array
fixed wrong var in storage::search
fixed logout, logout adds all errors to global e
added userRights+groupRights categories reference back in, removed comments
fixed chown+lostandfound plugins dropdown box
reverted mysql group by id's change (1204)
d select query match checks if arg is string
moved data extend submit after error check (PostSubmitErrorCheck), fixed mysql: lost+found, count, unique
added data::getID+getRightsReference, mysql functions uses getID+getRightsReference
added sql select break up support to d function


added pureftpd user management plugin
fixed remove action/extra functions first entry bug


fixed tables+data sync for new module extend structure, fixed plugin module search, fixed login bug
fixed system_statistics plugin for new extend module structure
added user rights field to log module
replaced old plugin based module extention with Module::extend


adde system_statistics ssDiskspace module


added executable path fix to system_statistics plugin
added mounted devices to system_statistics backend overview
cms doesn't show disabled field when adding
added diskspace support to system_statistics plugin, increased system_statistics keys name


fixed cms view manipulation buttons
fixed mysql search query for reserved keywords module names
fixed bugs/todo list seperations
added hg revision field to bugs module
removed custom date/time cms fields, date/time input formats same as display formats
added fix for data object display


graphs plugin: fixed opera round width+height bug
graphs plugin: added support for non linear base axis values, fixed line graph for non linear base axis values


graphs plugin: removed title arg from axis: should be set axisTitle, tooltip shows base axis title only if set, id also in caps


graphs plugin: added tooltips
graphs plugin alignment fix, added couple test graphs


optimized auto interval detection, removed render vertical argument, moved id argument to render, added reset function


graphs plugin: items counting min+max included (fix for 1 item), added system_statistics data set


graphs plugin: added fix for pos+neg alignment


added fix for axis without zero point


removed linebreak for cms radio buttons
fixed default.css style tag


graphs plugin line graph fixes
graphs plugin: removed bar rounding, fixed axis labels aligning
graphs plugin added axis grids


graphs plugin added basic line graph


graphs plugin: fixed interval detection+base axis min/max detection
graphs plugin: moved around set arguments: type+axis required, removed axis vertical arg: added axisHorizontal+axisVertical, added return values
graphs plugin: base axis min/max filtering, labels>1 error check
graphs plugin splitted axis function in axis+axisMinMax+axisInterval


graphs plugins: added labels support, removed textValues set argument, fixed set baseAxis bug, renamed private functions
graphs plugin added min/max cutoff support, secondary axis adds neg/pos axis if primary has one
plugins graphs: graph::axisPercentage renamed+changed vars, min/max fixing for axis with same base
fixed graph plugin multiple axis same min/max value bug
graphs plugin axis placement style fix
graphs plugin supports bar graphs, graph::set+axis default argument set to false


added graphs plugin
added additional pluginConfig info to system_statistics backend
added system_statistics network devices+sensors filtering
added field proprery: disabled to cms
system_statistics availableSensors skips junk lines
added multilist field support, fixed (multi)list error, list option more forgiving
fixed system_statistics networking execs
system_statistics: added sensors support, fixed key rereading bug
renamed ssNetworking device reference field, enlarges ssKeys key field
system_statistics uses key trees instead of text key
data::sqlValue returns NULL if vkey doesn't exist
mysql insert allows empty inserts, update skips empty queries
fixed data required property error, r field doesn't set default values
system_statistics backend add link always visible
removed vim backup file
added discIndexLabels excel sheet
added basic system_statistics plugin


optimized data sync row matching
lister pluginConfigs listitems always visible: required when pagebrowser is enabled
lister pluginConfigs fills orderby field depending on selected module
fixed pluginConfigs plugin overwrite initialization bug
added alternativeAction argument to moduleSpecific functions
added list field type
pluginConfigs use customizeFields trigger to show/hide certain fields
added customizeField data object trigger
added cms enum reload property support
added cms boolean reload property support


moved humanReadableFileSize to core functions
jas data sync show http requests information
http saves bytesSend, bytesReceived and requestTime
added data sync compression support: DataHTTP+data.php compresses the data object before sending
fixed unsetting of image height
fixed data uploaded file reading
file uploads now set at init in the correct way: error checking done based on set info, allows setValue to be used correctly
jas data sync only gets relevant data when syncing source (only for single identifier modules)


mysql: removed debug info, changed query titles
jas default main page shows errors
jas nav logic always sets subcat+subpage to default value
data checkFields checks show_total+show_from fields
jas data sync supports plugins overwrites
pluginConfigs only automatically gets plugin specific data if extra = item
data::checkField only checks values which are not NULL
mysql add+edit only use plugins which actually have values
insert category only adds upper rights if no rights defind already
added multiple identifier fields synchronisation support
removed userRights+groupRights category reference, all fields visible
cms sends all identifier fields on delete/view/move/owner
jas view fix for userRights+groupRights
data::moduleClass set to false for plugin modules: fixes _sleep notices


plugin status file creation+reading error checking
added error::add log option: allows no logging for specific errors
added pager plugin global javascript includes
added get+set cookie javascript
added pngfix javascript
moved jas javascript libs to global script dir
added layout global script inclusion, fixed layout::script+style double slashes
added pager plugins jasscript option+grouped fields
added clean up template markers in pager plugin
added pager template style sheet+javascript path fixing
jas table alter checkbox not shown for "Leaving unused enum options"
mysql alter table unused fields check fixed for plugins
added pager template image path fixing
fixed doctype support for pager plugin: uses new Layout::doctype structure
cms enum options on seperate lines
enum options allow dots
tidied up doctypes: supports XHTML 1.0, 1.1 and HTML 4.01
added xml::before function
plugins jas page + pager backend xhtml valid
added jas pager tree javascript movement+double click action
flash javascript sets object left+top offset


removed ordernr from pluginConfigs, categories ordernr not shown in forms
jas groups open/close on click+ added indicater icon
pager backend add page sets default template+modules
fixed form dataList tree view interference bug
all category references+selectors have javascript reload property, removed topcatnrs
pluginConfigs module gets plugin specific data and overwrites plugin field if plug is set
lister plugin r notice fixed, pager backend shows content for container pages
pager plugin only shows content for page template
pager plugin backend: custom made cms, added icons, root page by default, root page template manipulation, styling
data setValues also set NULL values instead of leaving them untouched


pager categories template reference not required+added pages group
cms supports reload field property for references, form::dataList passes through extra var
added custom cms to pager backend
bug fixed pager pageContent module: only gets data if module is set, uses contentnr field instead of nr
mysql puts sql reference fields in insert+update queries
added cms reload property support for module, project, action and extra fields
pager plugin frontend fixed for new content structure, added pager content template
pager backend displays content info under view icon, removed hardcoded rootpagenr
pageContent module automatically gets reference data
data referenceLevel set before PostGet event is triggered
pager plugin backend: added content viewing + content ordering
new pager backend icons
added pager plugin backend content+marker options
added page plugins tree icons
added pager plugin backend page cms options
added jas icon styling
jas: added support for module specific icons, cms options all use icons, new icons
moved pluginEnabled+Disabled icons to style dir, nav+plugin control use icon function
added jas icons and icon function
pager plugin: basic page displaying: based pageContent module, removed pluginConfigs global overwrite
fixed mysql treeUp+treeDown for plugin based modules
renamed markers+templates to pageMarkers+pageTemplates


basics pager plugin backend
added jas plugins backend
plugin backend only shown if plugin is enabled
added plugin backend support


cms only adds Category group if module has rightsreference
mysql groupby uses all identifiers, data modules field fix for single module


fixed jas add/delete all/move all links


addded new jas lite style
config language+style field now enum
form always sets input type to input class name
jas plugin navigation gets plugins from selected project+added plugin status indicator
new jas plugin backend
cms has plugin based module support, fixed view notices
jas uses baseURL for links: allowing easier manipulation, view+list init plugin overwrites
removed plugin->getModules function: use modules("plugins", $plugin)
fixed control list styling
changed font size
unified input fields styling, removed opacity from field group animation


fixed jas cms delete notice
navigation clear values so it's not ruined by delete all etc
jas contentList all shows correct delete all link
jas config show first config by default
renamed setproject variable back
added field groups open/close script
getelements js function applied to all elements
added bunch of javascript, animated navigation, fixed styling
navigation done with css, fixed link hover color for active navigation
project index in root, setproject var renamed to porject, no project tries to detect project on path


removed navigation plugin: use lister
added new fields+functionality to lister plugin
pluginConfigs key automatically generated if empty, order field on top
benchmark pression set to 3, added benchmarks to pager plugin
moved _benchmark outputting html body, pager plugin supports BENCHMARK marker
fixed pager+lister plugin
removed auto plugin loading stuff from pluginConfigs
only show plugin fields are gathered from database
added support for global plugin overwrites
mysql: update uses matched rows instead of affected, query titles set correct (with plugin name)
plugin module auto inserts row when missing during update, insertID gathered from main module table
pluginConfigs reread only done if now plugin is initialized
plugin module tables use left join to get data
default fields saved in main module table for plugin modules
removed template+contentTempate fields from pager pluginConfigs
plugin outputs errors only if there's no normal output
uniqueInCategory check only check rights reference category
alter sets plugin fields as unused
navigation doesn't overwrite initialized plugin
jas moved plugins to main navigation
splitting plugin modules in multiple tables select+manipulation support
splitting plugin modules in multiple tables basics: create+alter
pluginConfigs auto loads plugin fields when plug in set
cms: added support for reload plugin field property
syncdata bogus data check removed
empty module not in jas tables overview
comments only sets reference if module is set
added error level to logging
table checking done in data module, errors only set when relevant, jas tables creation uses new tables checking structure
plugin name set to data fields
removed auto 1:1 reference for extending modules
plugins group pluginConfigs fields
added field grouping support
fixed xhtml error
form::selectOption now uses selected variable
fixed plugins for new plugin modules style, removed template field from pluginConfigs, unit_testing uses templates


added enable/disable plugin support
fixed jas plugins+tables overview for new plugin structure
jas categories module extension uses unique class name
new plugin modules structure
fixed system modules references
data::title reset on initModule, fixes old style module reinit
bug fixed data constructor split up
removed old log module stuff
error reuses cached log module
jas database creation only uses *:* reference
splitted data::constructor in multiple functions, reference check uses cached module
removed old view->array extra, adding existing action doesn't create an error


added benchmark support to jas project view


fixed pager for new extended modules structure
plugin config set correctly
pluginConfigs auto sets plugin name and get plugin specific info
removed auto cms reload from plugin fields
extended modules use all default fields, modules without parent fix
extending modules automatically create 1:1 relation, splitting up the fields in 2 tables


fixed setValue checks
fixed pager categories template reference, pluginConfigs reference is title field
view list uses rights reference instead of all category references
1:1 reference always gets referenced data
fixed data module page for new plugin modules
pager: renamed markers+templates modules, categories 1:1 reference
pluginConfigs use 1:1 relations
cms only shows relevant reference info in fake fields
pluginInfo plugin modules extend system module
even more test references
category rights reference not shown when editting
1:1 referenced module directly inserted in CMS, relation is static but fields can be changed in both modules
identifier fields only in query if use sql
fixed mysql::get to only use sql fields for getting item


fixed unit_testing for new plugin structure
fixed jas pages for new plugin structure
new plugin structure, plugin module now use own table


fixed reference data setting, getting reference doesn't use original key
item view shows all fields, including references
removed reference title overwrite
added full support for *:* relations
fixed rights check for modules without identifier


added Erro::clear function
fixed alter table for *:* modules
fixed documentation for new modules structure


first *:* basics in cms+data, test module has *:* reference
added table create/altering support for *:* autmatic modules
fixed notice when adding no 0:* entry
data var unset after use in tables creation page
removed remove text for 1:1 required check
added new reference test module
added support for 1:* and 0:* references
dataBase::clearValues resets input keys array
mysql::add sets auto increment id in identifier field
added support for multi select form::dataList
jas project: categories module extends system module, added additional error checking
data::module not set check
project modules init first


fixed references for settings pluginConfigs and page plugin


plugin overwrites only initialised once
fixed cms fake field reference check
move query only uses rightsreference
fixed list action check, fixed move item field reference
reference check fixes for *:0
fixed log+test module relations
added support for *:0 and 0:* references
reference data is seperately in queries
references use normal data::fields, allows for more options to be set
fixed system pages for multi module categories


added reference test module
new reference structure, supports *:1 and 1:1, also prepared for 1:8 and *:*
changed Form::tree name to dataList
error is set first, then logged to ensure the error is actually in the object


reference only get unique data, fixed all where clause cleanup
added operant support, allows switching AND/OR in query
removed duplicate reference check, simply overwrites
plugin data overview shows errors
fixed pager modules references
Data::next set value if reference not gathered
system modules have correct reference types
tidied up reference structure, removed view->array action
pager get 1 level for global plugins
removed global modules check, deprecated
lister adds all show fields to default template
xml set allows indexed arrays
pager plugins uses error template instead of not found, allows for better error displaying
added GENERATED+LASTUPDATE page tags/marker support
added pagebrowser+sort support to lister plugin
xml marker parser more forgiving
pager plugin sets pid to vars array
pluginConfigs only auto-inits plugin overwrite if not done already


pluginConfigs use project templates path instead of root
show_count now form field, not sql
xml counter var initted in constructor
Data: added show_count field, get count option fills it
mysql count supports array as input
item view shows "Unknown" if owner doesn't exist
added check on Data::v
unit_testing uses default templates unless overwritting in pluginConfigs
removed old pager plugin module
renamed content plugin to lister, content module is now system module
pager plugin uses pluginConfigs instead of pageContent, rootpagenr not required
pluginConfigs auto loads plugin specific module field
template::data sets fields 1by1 if no pretags are defined
cms reloads on plugin change: potentially loads plugin module field
fixed MySQL::treeUp bug
navigation uses pagerConfig to get first navigation level
page plugins have page config+full page data
Data::next gets referenced data recursively
renamed categories modules class
unit_testing uses set url
plugins have url vars set
added support for plugin url generation, uses addVar
plugin not set is now warning instead of system, not logged
jas viewItem doesn't generate error if id not set
fixed tree for lost items
delete all/list checks all rows for rights
disabled error logging when logging errors
fixed convert+import tree selectors
fixed rights reference in users module
fixed unknown array_type
unit_testing dateConvert+array_type tests
removed old switcher project filter from projects functions
unit_testing: changed plugins+modules function names, added projects function tests


added old template based unit_testing class: seems without the template errors it's quite fast
xml tag errors are now warnings: not logged to database
added benchmark to jas project index
_benchmark init as first
fixed first test run unit_testing bug
unit_testing main loops without templates: about 50 times faster
change categories class name: conflicts with other projects


added benchmarks to unit_testing main loops
_benchmark automatically started if set in config
benchmark display styling
benchmark: fixed stop all open markers bug, open markers closed at show, more table styling
added simple tree benchmark class
added basic plugin unit tests
unit specific only show specified unit, not all on same level
unit_testing now tree based
template support html as first argument
changed css ul classes
splitted up unit_testing core_functions in multiple units
moved unit_testing images to public directory
fixed run tests current unit bug
added htaccess unit test
added new unit_testing tests
new unit_testing plugin, moved to core
plugin config only inits current plugin fields
added css class to errors list
changed list+tooltips css styling
xml: added support for multiple array set's


splitted update pager+content plugin, pageContent now uses plugin to get output
system->tables: removed Global modules, skips systemInfo module
fixed modules notice in displaying non category list
removed pluginInfo from plugins modules list
added support for multiple modules per category displaying
moved categories module check for adding to Data, support for multiple modules per category
fixed error "hacks" don't show bug


added blank option to form non tree select box
added xml+template onlyCommentsAndMarkers manipulation support, used by navigation
navigation template uses markers, pager breaks if template can't be loaded
xml supports #markers#, also within tags, fixed delete check, template::data removed left over tag


fixed modules+localfiles input checking
mysql uses rightsreference field instead of all category references


navigation templates fixed, pager content overwrites values in template
added xml multi value+reparse support


xml: added set replace option, added reinit function


added navigation plugin
pager plugin supports sub plugins
xml adds to short tags
added support to plugins page for plugin based data manipulation
pager uses categories instead of pages, easier with rights management
added hack to use multiple category references in 1 module


pager uses title+content tags in template
template data function more forgiving
added exactPath to xml class: set false for forgiving mode
moved static notfound+content templates to pluginInfo class, pluginConfigs allows project based overwriting
added project templates path
email address not converted automatically (convertEmail setting), email converted back to SQL value
pluginInfo now read from plugininfo database, allows field overwriting
added support for plugininfo database type
merged quickselect in form class: renamed to tree, fixed in chown, added tree to settings control page
fixed module selection for plugins+system modules


removed countries system module
removed file+plugin field from system categories module, added jas overwrite categories modules
merge system and global modules
fixed no localfiles no save bug in cms
added data convertion fix for localfiles+modules


pager plugin: added unknown+content templates, moved around field for internal use
xml: changed error message
template class outputs errors
pager plugin: added markers, content->page required, basic content displaying
template class extends xml, removed old code
xml: added set+add+output functions
added xml analyser class


moved old xml code
pager plugin: added pageTemplate support
plugin: fixed for new pluginConfigs module, added getModule function
rename pluginconfigs module, added rights field to pluginConfigs, added pageTemplates, new required fields, fixed plugins page


added basic pager module
added support pure html templates
localfiles cms: fixed add warnings, fake display nicely
plugins page: config dumped to output, removed duplicate add cms option
added support form localfiles field type, removed duplicate module check case
added system plugins support
pluginconfigs template shows full project path
plugins page add option also available if no config


added some template tests to unit_testing plugin
redone template class
redone template array structure to make it a real tree
added Template::data object parser
added multiple marker type support, see: Template::addSettings


brand new templating engine
unit_testing uses config display var to determine what to display
fixed plugin config overwrites reading, baseplug returns output var
plugins configuration only available for root
unit_testing control shows dump of available units
plugin only modules automatically initialized
plugin initModules: added _path, modules initialised once
unit_testing pluginconfigs subplugin not unique+required
added plugin configurations editor
added unit_testing plugin
removed unique property from pluginconfigs plugin field
added configs overview to plugins page
added initPluginOverwrites function data so it's manually triggered
added support for plugins in page layout
renamed pluginconfigs name field to key
plugin: added config function, config passed to main class, fixed non initialised main+output function names
changed settings module key tip
plugin: fixed call class check bug, added main+output wrappers
added plugin+localfile cms styling
pluginconfigs module template field is now localfile
added localfile field type
fixed recurseDir strip root
added recurseDir function


fixed plugins page for new plugin style
fixed plugin readinfo retry bug
plugin: renamed config to info, added class and function init+checks, added BasePlugin class
pluginconfigs now basic config module instead of info module, added plugin field to categories module
added plugin field type, plugin config verified by pluginconfigs module


changed plugin config reading, added plug page
added basic plugin modules support
fixed module paths


fixed data exchange project name check
fixed data sync table creating link


doctype saved and used in html tag


added file upload hack to manually insert files


added 1 arguments links support to wysiwyg
added timeout to wysiwyg init
fixed wysiwyg editor for multiple forms
order gets correct category before getting data
added table name backticks for insert+update+right checking queries
added table name backticks
added order field to todo module
unsets all none order/identifier fields on ordering
added order field to bugs module, added order up+down links to list view
added order up+down support, ordering uses set sortOrder
added order option to cms
added support for order property, moved order auto increment from categories to data
added support for full days+piket in uren import
added required dir support, required dirs can't be unselected
added data setup: creates categories+users
added error showing to done, users setup made place for initial data
added notes to config setup
usernr should be > 0, default anonnr=2
added config setup


error::show only outputs html if errors are displayed
able to setup all available modules, some or required
next on no modules works
error displaying style
new error::show html styling
modules setup creates non exsting tables
extended database error, database setup skip doesn't show notice


added default modules setup, basic config+users setup pages
html styling, tables page doesn't unset error object
added skip option to database setup
added db.conf.php check+writing
removed table error object overwrite, added root check to setup
set default field values, added database permission setting


added database user checking/adding, database main uses logic vars, removed table creation from setup


using input vars for database setup, added table creation to setup
database server with portnr, added database creation
setup structure splitted in logic+control+main
removed unused modules
fixed database table manipulation for new cat structure
redone jas project filestructure: pages+subpage have now logic+control+main files, category based on cat var
added system setup basics
removed project secure downloads+templates paths, added project modules path
form field have type+"form" as default class


removed old presentation+documentation projects
added documtenation project to jas project
removed people+topcatnrs modules
removed test stuff from tree
clean up jas tree, moved bugs+todo+notes to jas sections, moved setup to system section


http 302 (moved) response marked as warning
fixed data::resort functions


removed project close button


added float convertion for bigint sqlValue
sync only gets sql fields instead of default showfields


fixed big int convertion
added support for big int


sortOrder accepts array as first argument
only field-/+ sort support, merged resort functions, mysql also uses +/- and uses sql fields only
added sortOrder support for field+ and field- input


added mysql alter todo
enum field definition mysql compliant
moving updates updated field, moving allowing in edit mode for sql dataformat
sync newer not updated by default
added modules fake displaying
fixed module field checking
fixed sync for first entry
allowing rights field update, added rights sql2sql convertion, sync pushes all sql fields (not only show)
rights fields always gathered from the database
fixed forceUpdate set values overwrite bug
fixed sync overview incorrect ID's bug
sync allows overwritting newer items


removed multiple id's support from syncing
fixed data login bug, http test fixed
explanation shown as link title in navigation
removed class testing
added module data convert tool


table create link for sync module, defaults set to all unset entry of forced fields


added "empty" module: allows on-the-fly module creation
added automatic print.css


fixed cms auto return to previous page
boolean alter queries fixed


added fieldname to css class


removed topcatnrs from default tables


multi id's sync displaying (FIX: incorrect element search)
added support for multiple identifiers synchronization


http recovers original data object when sending, removed old debug function


moved dump function to functions.php, renamed to d, array_type detection doesn't give error on non "data" objects
added syncing for modules without updated field


removed undefined catnr/updated fields notices


anonymous access


data aware dump function
only required fields set to default when values are not set


upper module gathering only for categories


fixed bugs default status
added bugs->module field, cms doesn't try to figure out module automatically if isset to ""


added filter to todo list


contentList has support for overwrite module, notes+todo show subcategories
bugs have open/closed status, also splitted in displaying
added solution+resolve date field to bugs module


fixed ofby1 bug in resort
added multi resort function: uses sortOrder to resort all entries
added field (sub) sorting function
added removeEntry function


added addEntry+copyEntry functions


fixed mysql text+blob type convertion
added root only error for table manipulation
fixed primary key adding+empty enum options
added renamed field support and deleted field detection
added enum support for table alter


fixed mysql text+binary field sizes, alter query executes


fixed module specific function names, removed switcher project
changed get+submit module specific function names
don't auto delete content, mysql alter todo comments


basic field type table altering done, added medium+long text types


added autoDeleteContent support to categories module


added alt text for wysiwyg buttons, change buttons actions to links


wysiwyg: added undo+redo
wysiwyg: removed gif icons, added alignment, clean paste
added alter upgrade field type support, form autodetects if existing tables need altering


added database->alter support, getMySQLType function, frontend support, tooltips in frontend


added 1 hour cache expire for file downloads


added IE file download fix


added support for http 1.0
fixed url stripping for urls without end /


added class to wysiwyg buttons


remote errors show all fatal
merged project+login in info box


syncSettings system module, sync settings project specific: fixes a couple of bugs
force english for selected projects
added "project" type to table creation


fixed errors, errors displayed
wysiwyg files overview in table
added jas fix to wysiwyg, fixed file+image for project related thing (language)
added settings filtering on selected setting
form font fixed for opera
added hack for jas project to get files+images from selected project


added copy/paste/cut/undo/redo options in wysiwyg


added: save buttons to add+edit in cms, language file updated


fixed link cancel, IE fix for add+close icons
wysiwyg links in images style
html/email link creation/deletion done in prompt box
image information shown by default
wysiwyg: added new icons, image browser


added alphableding for png+gif images


support for style subdirectories


first enum options selected if no default is set
added data::getValues
added data::debug function


added lost and found support, topcatnr=1 in lost and found search
added size limit to request var logging
merged branches
sync target only send when actual syncing has to be done, fixed linebreaks in http, add no reponse error
merged branches
added extra checks on data object for data communication


fixed first sub page by default thing, new logo image, consequent use of colors
new styling


fixed = operator for mysql
multiple entries support for view->all
removed debug
implemented operators for view->all, finished sqlOperator function :)
added get/set/sqlOperator functions to data class
http request error displaying for sync


servername instead of "This"
removed a bit too much :)
fixed enum errorcheck style, unique check uses getValue
moved cat move error, uniqueness check for all entries: shows title field value


image/file upload error only if min>0
greedy http header split
search uses only sql+show field


new styling


fixed header split, added 30* return codes location error
added custom error message to http connect
added timeout to http request
open project now opens a new window instead of popup


added username:password@ to URL regexp
added entry nr to errors, fixed float+int always return bug, added image errors to language


added save button to sync page


fixed documentation project
newcatnr only when moving
fixed presentation project


cms outputs id for moving and deleting, needed for mass moving and deleting
delete only worx item wise
quickselect iframe vars only shown for iframe, bug fix
move only worx item wise
added clearValues function: no args clears all
moving uses newcatnr field, vkeys filled after get, cat module check for moving, move->extra only used for gathering
implemented "extra" switch for move function
extra field check use=sql before using in query
tree functions take first id+reference field instead of last


list view only uses sql fields
sync errors printed


log levels for error logging
to upper link incorrect, needs to check upper cat


added add another option cms, people surname not required
cms submit bug fix
default style doesn't include style twice
sync shows all errors
added Data::requestVar support in cms, added showTitle,Text,Tips,Fields,Submit,Cancel vars


fixed date selector for no default value
alias required cuz of title property


error message fixed


added flush, module name+error on failure when analyzing
module list fixed, invalid modules ignored, data flush after each module submit
added comments to empty overviews
sync action reset fixed
method in title, table for submit overview, lolite on unchanged items, totals in analysis
analyze resets actions, sync actions stored in module based post, source+target submitting


uses DataHTTP class,
implemented DataHTTP class
renamed request to http and added DataHTTP class definition
renamed sync to data.php, can now used as "jas over html" protocol
default sync_actions fixed
fixed wrong entry error, overview of changed items
projectnames may consist of numbers


add project switch, data commit, uses sql dataformat
sqlValue adds slashes for sql dataformat
fixed identifier bug
allow id insertion for identifier field if dataformat is sql
sync_action gathered from form
nice styling for sync overview
no default sync action
implemented new sync function, removed old sync options, sync module doesn't need db table
moved all sync options to sync module, extra=method
new sync system modules, sync settings renamed, frontend fixed


added store option to setReturnURL, implemented in wysiwyg so it won't disturb the site


bug fixes in sync function, displaying of target data


added value search function, and a test file


fixed wysiwyg cms for php4
fixed array check function for php 4
value passthru in session var, saver, worx better
fixed file upload bug, add all "other" wysiwyg commands function
email convertion setting
wysiwyg images 200px width, no reloads if control is already loaded, add translations
image path convert, images automatically linked
wysiwyg editor uses real value instead of getting it from the db
removed script tag editor
rootpath added, used by wysiwyg editor
script tags stripped from html input, image/file path automatically converted
removed height param


added files+images simple CMS+adding to wysiwyg edit
fixed form initialisation
language files for files+images


added control functionality, able to add links, new "file icon"
added html field type to table creation
fixed phone number error translation
added submit handler
moved wysiwyg to form, worx in opera/ie, form dir accessible thru apache
gif icons (for IE)
added comments option to footer


settings+config reloaded when new project is set


icons for wysiwyg editor, also cms basic, .js is in atrium project
added imagenotfound image
replaced ihl field type with "html", text does [image [link [file tags, added default file module and passthru
added images module, rewrite of image passthru uses default module+field, global images path
image/file fields not updated if no update


added Project_Module workaround for overwriting global modules
added move+delete errors
returnURL unset after usage, form end
shows whole tree
error translations


setShowFields+setFormFields don't mess with control fields
add multiple level support in request function
added data language file, fixed most data error messages
fixed language stuff for storage
add setFormFields function


non translated texts red
fixed options
language files modified


parent setting is 0 at top


settings read to array in tree structure


added category up to category list
insert check if category module matches
updated uren module, sync uses request function, source used for displaying
code style fixes, remove users field type, rights field check for value


check to reduce errors on invalid config
varname fix


xhtml fixes
xhtml fixes


url doesn't require protocol
script reload is default if no referer


request functions supports array as first argument
added phone fields, changed titles


phone type regexp changed, module specific Get after setting Values


dump supports multiple arguments
module specific functions call fix for php 4


fixed openwindow


error::show returns error div, removed div from all other files
lost and found basics
added server var to request


fake cms fields small line
delete list only shows title fields
oldurl->returnURL, set in session, can be set manually+automatically
modified URL regexp, allows things like localhost
sync diagram, http test thingy


added htaccess security for non-readable dirs
moved file/image to root + cms support
no styling for image/file+bugfix
image+file download use cms displaying


update and add options for importing uren
error logging saves _REQUEST only 2 levels deep
hasValue "0" fix
added hasValue function


treedown gets start value from cat reference
setShowFields can be called with no arguments, move checks for subcategories, move error messages changed
move checks updated
at least one search field must be set for field searching


password kept, Submit button


sync checks out update field, sync support showUnchanged option
added new fields for default actions
sync: target doesn't do get, the way is should be
added copy (add) action to cms
add port to url regexp


sync logs in and returns error object
implemented full+multiple module synchronization
fixed select all, now only worx with sql field
added sleep and wakeup functions to restore module object
sync module has multi modules select, styling fixes for multi select
automatically adds "multi" css class to multi select boxes
added "modules" type for multiple modules selection


nice styling for sync config


more required fields, title names fixed
Changed execute permissions on files
modified show order, owner not shown in form
moved config selector to control bar, form can be edited on the fly, analyze stops on http failure
project selector in cms, extended errors in http request
added project type


http header split fix, sync uses http request
HTTP request class


basic communication worx, data::sync has target data object as param


added sync interpreter, simple connection setup, compress option+project in sync module


gets value from request, dynamic styling
quick select for sync configurations
array_type also detects Data:: object
select: also handles data object as input, array values input
simpleForm: shows a list with add,edit,delete buttons
password field can be empty


sync sets default actions, consistent styling, sync overview, sync config module
added select: generates select box with options, added array_type detection function
New style


new colors


static side bar


moved open project button below login, not visible for jas project
moved project->new to jas->setup, styling: control text+footer, bar back to left, colors
still messing around


fixed navigation styling, move window close button


search characters extended, results per page option default 10


tableless design
basic templating functions
further checks only if value


open project fixed, string check fixed


really fixed the regexps, also uses defines
fixed wrong catnr in cms, templates path, fixed all regexps!
"extra" field added
cms rights not checked for full view
login show user/pass in fields


JS openwindow function (beta), open project button
empty enum option allowed, fixed uren parse bug, cmsoptions for none category referenced modules


submit buttons not shown if now rights
moved regexps: module, action, extra, fieldname, enumoption. also modified a bit
sync: source<>target, updated check. Moved email+url regexp, table creation shows error
cms nav uses correct module


mysql<4.1 password fix


bug fix, max size 0 doesn't print maxlength


HG hdd fail recovery, lost changelog:
-  new statuses, sync_status field, time check
-  post request fixed, default type is now: post and get
-  dateConvert output format not required, unix timestamp by default
-  basis for the sync function, checks: new, changed, deleted
-  useless commit
-  fixed add,delete all, move all rights links
-  move needs delete rights in category
-  bugfix/workaround for chmod, user module uses default fields
-  cms options only shown if user has rights
-  add getValidActions function
-  bettered links, bug fix in users module
-  don't show errors in view item (at least one id error)
-  fixed category delete data check, reload after data delete show category
-  reload after delete shows topcategory
-  New HG version, CMS show warning when no data is gathered


moved login functionality to users module post submit function, still require login data getting form db


new module style: define extra function in module class, default title=false
fixed: categories, users and sheets


changeProject fixes, date time error fix


config/settings reload option, fix in settings loading
added settings, config and request functions, key as input, value out/false
search uses show fields


import shows fatal, uren check if date is unique


data setValues return true on 0 elements, view show fatals
auto add seconds
strict checking for tables, mv backup to sync, bugfix in import


shows all errors


removed rights modules, fixed mysql rights stuff+owner change text
errors are now actually reported when enabled in config :)
distance handle in decent way
dateConvert test
date conversion function


test version of date matcher
renamed work -> uren, textarea's smaller
moved detection to class, category select for uren, resets after succesful submit, uren import
auto set _REQUEST value for quickSelect


default action is _path["file"]


moved includes to subdir, import prepared for uren
import module detection, module selection, input doesn't need module/description


new post var names, import in one file, analyze option


export supports module selection, removed sidebar control


multiple module import supported
added download paths, modified export to work with CSV class, basic import


fixed mysql<4.0 for adding, editing, deleting
reference show full list instead of catbrowser
back BUTTON fixed in IE, reference show full list instead of catbrowser, datetime selectboxes wider


styling, uses split char
export setup
diplay php errors, search shows fatal errors


login keeps cat+subcat


show 10 results per page, added next/previous page buttons


added category tree and field search
added searchFields, key is fieldname, value must be 1 to use


data::setvalues errors when no data is gathers, cms doesn't show form on no data, mysql checkRights fixed for mysql<4.1
more info with search, few css classes changed


lot's of fixes, worx quite well
fixed version number, search supports mysql<4.0
search page
supports all modules (without tree view)
added group/users to view rights settings
mysql version autodetect


7999 is new rootrights value, owner priveledges
non tree modules fix
remove trailing space, required for id
MySQL 4.1
settings and config reload after failure, settings always loaded (no config option)


root fix, owner support
users/groups list in table
bug fix
supports mysql 4.0 basics
shows title field, rights+category/user


get function checks sets vmax before getting


title function
clears reference values when calling next


fixed add rights check
multiple field match in Data::v
set file upload value fixed
identifier shown, even if is owner field
reference fix, use: form is include in all


removed Data::reference function, and 2e argument of checkField
all allows, checks and gets valuetype=set fields
plain passwords visible if "show" isset
basic email class: to, cc, bcc, subject, text message


special password/add option in MySQL::rightsGroupsClause
uses requestVar (so it doesn't fuck around with main menu), errors for unset vars
error message for unset vars, 5 users/groups per line
shorted foreach
bugfix: vmax now also set for single values
Data::requestVar as 5th parameter, used to get posted data
treeDown starts at top :)
show supports "fatal" option
temporary IHL, allows html tags
fake fields have different font color
cms cleans errors, show owner field only when changing owner, content ownage rights, rights checking in mysql is now actually done, owner add function


preparing for owner action, needs error checking and mysql implementation
all users may login


image extention check case insensetive, image.php only requires gd when resizing


(plain) password type
all data is now shown


fixed category reference check
intro message only shown before submit
added $_settings["HideTranslationError"] to language, empty view shows add button
extra errorCheck path fixed, minimum text size if >0, file upload fixed: edit doesn't require upload


data.php in include path


preparation for tree view
fixed tree up function for all tree modules
don't need to set default value
renamed categoryBrowser to browser for other tree modules support
fixed tree view for all tree module
branche merge + tree view detection for chown
added tree view for settings, treeDown fieldname fixes
few small fixes
add rights changing for groupRights and userRights module, also new rights check function in MySQL::


add rights action to modules, chmod support user rights
removed useless counter
radio/checkbox labels have more space


Original filename is send in header
file download fixed, project/include/file now overwrites global include
correctly implemented: ip, ipv4, ipv6. index.php now read from project html path


fixed table creation styling+multi project, global + _SESSION bug
opera cache hack fix
multiple includes allowed from include.php


fixed all javascript / stylesheet auto includes and other path related stuff
removed "delete" check bug
style no longer required
no really... they are :)
Errors in e are now always shown (not only on submit)
unset original path cuz of include.php fix


basic chmod, selection worx, few small fixes
rights function now supports groupRights and userRights, checkbox id fixed
modified for jas2: nr field now have reference + title
small fixes
use module[edit][id] to post to avoid menu interference
setShowFields now also handles array as first argument


bugs fix, don't display userrights in config module
user -> own option... not working yet
settings are now read on _config["reload"], layout autmaticly add meta data "description" and "keywords" when defined in settings
path are can now be before calling include.php, small fix in cms


main layout is now in a table
subcat cat auto select+create fixed


style fixes, splitten up some stuff
cms must be include in ech file now so it's also available for main project
php4 compatible, added tree action, default date/time formats
removed dbtype, shows fatal


new structure for new project
unique check fixed


packet bugs,notes,todo in default, autocreate subcategories for projects
uses first subcat page bij default
moved tables to system
no global projectswitch anymore, file specific


preparations for project creation wizard
adding and getting for sessions worx correct (autonumbers etc)


get + add functions work for special storage, tested only session
fixed mysql fake storage... temporary!
mv dir: db to storage, merged mysql classe, made abstrace Storage class, first implementation of special storage class
new temp module, added some extra checks in switchDatabase, 
moved table existence check to after module loading so it looks in the correct database.
add switchDatabase function for modules


database type now read from db.conf, data bases the storage class on that. multiple databases are NOT supported yet
DB:: is now MyDB::, supports multiple mysql db's
use $this->db=1 in modules to overwrite, only worx with none-category referenced modules


Directory creation thing... beta
removed settings from php.ini.php
moved a bunch of settings to php.ini since they can't be altered realtime
bug fix
project bugs/todo
Added multiple module support
moved vmax + vkeys calculation to addField function


bug fix
temporary fix
tree stuff for chown
htmlform date/time formats changed
Can chown categories.. still buggy
bug fix for category select
changed form input name so they won't mess with the rest
No iframe by default + some fixes for no iframed version
extra options can now be defined before the action is defined
default title in base class, moved module existence check, changed action/extra validation functions:
addActions, removeActions, validAction, addExtra, removeExtra, validAction
uses sql/system errors
added 3 new error types: system, module and sql. intended for internal use
removed setShow (setShowFields should be used), refer -> reference without default value
also removed some old commented rights code from next function
split data class in 2: base class and real data class (manipulation)
Moved login to a function


footer uses config datetimeformat
datetime field 25 characters
date, time and float formatting gathered from config
add some missing modules :)
add full tree view, changed some stuff for orignal tree "up"
fixed tree view
Category rights change only for category module, removed default value stuff: interferes with booleans
moved switch to include
uses default.php if $subpart.php doesn't exist


sql is now MySQL and inherits from DB and more...
DB and Data have the basics for multiple database types
all functions in SQL now return boolean and store errors in SQL::e
some bugfixes along the way, SQL::tree needs to be fixed still
fixed for paths
remove fpdf from main tree


Bugs / Todo implementation
Added translation function
moved project switching to switchProject.php
way to messy to do it from a function, global _config/_jses references crap
config/settings/browser/session are now read always, they figure the reloading out them selved
added setDataForm function to cms, settings are now only read when config allows it
Fix date function
added rights checkbox to cms class + some related fixes
styling of data browsers
Moved project info + change to title bar
height fix
moved categoryBrowser to data browse
moved "testing" and "footer" to settings
"true" / "false" values are now set as booleans
crossproject compatible
removed old system tool files
moved system tools to system.php
title userrights field
$cat.php is now only shown when subcat doesn't exist
Added todo
Can now create new tables
_jses for constructor
small update
dirty fix on dirty fix... yeah yeah we'll fix that some day :)
Table already exists is now an error instead of warning
removed not a database field error note
change stats and settings name in config module
_jses and _config bugfixes
$_config["reload"]=true reloads the config on next page load
move config options to $_config=&_jses["config"];


use m instead module post var
Module browser working
image + config sample
view -> browse, add module browse
Login added, category in function, login errors now show in style
hilite darker


quick viewer shows categories by default
less space outside the main div
nav3 a bit wider, submits 100%
Seperate info part in nav3
Shows current project + user
made project select function _jses independent
Oops :)
userlist uses usermodule config option
moved database to project directory
correct _jasPaths
moved login to top with project switch
eased switchProject, checks currentProject, sets _jasPath, now easier to use
root login required now, login + project forms now in function
category move with out Iframe
view show list by default
changed config options: gatherStats, logging and useSettings
ini settings are read always


settings and users editor
beta database creation script
case insensative modules, actions and extra options,
workaround for sql return values
removed dirty rights hack, now also checks for rights type
radio + checkboxes now labels instead of ugly javascript links
field classes: "form field["type"]", also a fix for radio and checkbox
moved view to include view, multipurpose
cms options aligned right
seperated CMS
Config now data/view style
module titles display, remove catnr from URL
project title in config, upgraded view styling
bettered view styling
v returns false on failure
owners of a category can now add subcats and content
might need revising for none categories
removed old stats code
hi lite text
italic links, hilite text
notice fix
fatal is now also "hacks" ;)
topcatnr -> catnr
correct catnr, added topcatnr option for categories
Correct submitting and error displaying
don't show error, done when debug is on
removed validExtra check from submit
removed valid action check from errorCheck
remove "public" vars, added todo list
more strict: module, action and extra checking, added validExtra function, modified add/remove/value action function
correct padding for submit buttons
remove project from topcatnrs and config
Mozilla fix
added settings reading, clean up include.php, mv php.ini to php.ini.php
show errors
removed multiple projects support from config
form styling


link colors
upgraded modules to "system modules"
remove some BR's and changed some classes
class passthrough bug fixed
small error thing fix,
there's more but that needs rewriting of sql function
added extra vars in frontForm function
module exists check modified
Modified modules function, system modules now implemented
bug fix
changed a bunch of div.classes cuz CMS
ok ok it was better that way :)
this -> d
changed title + first text class
removed floating shit
corrected owner + catnr bug
start of remoddeling CMS for use with new JAS
checks for catnr + owner
error reporting in validAction
tryout for cms styling
added extra post variable option in CMS
switch back to default project
font change :)
larger textareas
Added CMS part
Font change
changed cms links
Change nav3 bgcolor and added lines for in content lists
Improved scaling
removed dump
Data page setup... links etc
function v shows title field incase of reference


small fixes
mv check to include, more efficient
removed session registers, all in _jses
Fixed references to _jses for project switching
_jses globals


removed use database from show_total+from, fixed !fatal bug
made show_total and show_from database fields
functions: submit, errorCheck and checkField now return booleans and store errors in Data::e
Hide quick bar
added subcategory and content links, tree view
oops :)
error check in cls
added content + subcategory viewing
remove test stuff
subcat always initialised
included part + subpart globals, fixed view button
now cat and subcat are realy global :)
uses cat and subcat global vars for menu structure
Data view page + styling
Form Styling
path fix
changed var name
added check in execute
changed eregi function to preg
remove topcatnr
category quick select
Lot's of styling changes, moved project switch to selectProject
remove topcatnr stuff
remove topcatnr stuff
session fix
Fixed path stuff
default project key is now "default"


Default project is now jas


added temporary project switching and configuration reading
change _jsesnr to _jseskey, more appropriate name
Project selector
add root, html, images, include, style, script paths to _path["root"] array
HTML styling,  title
added error bar
small fix
any argument not required, gives back if there are any errors at all
introduced _lockProject variable
fixed project forcing
jses and path fixes
_jses fix
fixed root path overwrite
fixed paths
path + session fixes
renamed 1 to many ;)
renamed -all- _SESSION vars :)
Changed all _SESSION vars to _jses, occational global may need to be defined
moved project switching to include.php
new session management, $_jses includes the session vars, set $_jsesnr for multiple session
moved default include to root, now incorporates paths, new session manangement and project switching

These lines are now required for each script, they do all the dirty work:



generates the first 2 levels nicely... with styling
fixed error container for get referenced objects data
generates first 2 categories lists
added "values" function
more path changes
change inc path
fixed paths and remove topcatnrs for quickselect
project var is now everywhere :)
fixed paths
fixed paths
remove function.php include
removed default db config
added error object, get function uses this, now return boolean. Also changed path vars
exec now fails when fatal errors are present
implemented error object in constructor and table function
Also stores extra var in add function, and displays the info when debug is on
fixed project path
fixed mysql_query error problem
remove global database configuration, added decent multi database support to db.php
remove "e"rror variable, seems to be segfaulting php :)
changed all path vars, file is also in _path array
add function now also supports error objects as first argument
cleaned up constructor also contains "e"rror variable
Changed all path vars to _path array, include path is also in there


Start of the new codebase, mv jas project to jasOld
Projectnames may now contain letters and numbers
Added new JAS manangement directory (gonna replace jas project)
DB installer in progress


Fixed presentation project: moved sheet module
JuNe Administration System

All releases