Latest JAS v1.1.0
144 plugins online

Mass download and save as support

It would be handy to be able to download all pictures in a/all album(s) in one go. A simple overview page of all pictures (no pager) per album should do. Note that if all albums are shown on the same page the link should contain the album name for easy filtering (title="album / picture"). Sub albums should also be taken into account, both tree listing and in the link (title="album / subalbum / picture").

Additionally a "Save as" button that pushes a filename would be handy. This could overwrite the current "Download" functionality which should then be rename to something like "Show full picture".

Plugins (PLGN)
Due in version

Updates (1)

Monday 15th of June 2015 at 13:28 :
Issue updated
Issue type: Todo => Change

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