Latest JAS v1.1.0
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We've had a first go at PHP 7 and admittedly... it's fast! The "startup" time on JAS backend pages seems to be about 0.02 seconds less than PHP 5 and the more elaborate pages load about twice as fast. For example the backend database overview loads in about 0.12 seconds compared to 0.23 with PHP 5. 

So this alone is probably worth making the necessary changes to JAS to support PHP 7. Which actually doesn't seem like it's going to be a huge challenge so far the only thing that failed miserably is the fact that a "Error" class was introduced which clashes with the JAS Error class. Other than that the it seems wise to rename the class constructors to "__construct" as the old naming convention will probably be deprecated soon. 

Long story short, JAS version 1.0 will probably support PHP 7 out of the box!

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