Latest JAS v1.1.0
144 plugins online

Move protocols, formats APIs to subfolders

JAS Core (JAS)
Currently all protocols (socket, http, smtp, etc), formats (csv, xml, etc) and APIs (data, csv, xmli) all reside in the include folder. They should be moved to the relevant subfolders to keep the include folder somewhat clean.

Data add touch item action

JAS Core (JAS)
A simple action which updates the "updated" time stamp and nothing else. Handy when needing to trigger recache of lister plugin sections when multiple modules are involved. $d=Data::cache("module", "touch", "item"); $d->setValue("nr", $id); $d->submit(); Only "forceUpdate" and ID fields will be checked and subitted, all other fields may not be checked to avoid potential errors. Storage object "edit" function should be used which should just update the relevant forceUpdate fields...

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