Latest JAS v1.1.0
144 plugins online

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you'll find all frequently asked questions (FAQ). If something isn't working as expected, you may find an answer (or at least some pointers) here.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function whatever in file.php on line 123
Either the code is really broken or it needs some extension that's not installed/enabled. Please check the PHP configuration to ensure all is setup correct. Otherwise please report the issue.

I lost my (root) password
Check out the Password recovery section in the Backend documentation on how to recover your password.

Unable to lock table: 'users', can't create lock file: 'project/jas/include/data/users.lock'
The JAS backend needs write access to the project data directory (project/jas/include/data). Ensure the the user that's running the webserver has read/write access to this directory and the all files in it.

Can't create new file 'some file' for release: 'project/jas/cache/releases/'
The JAS backend needs write access to the to the root directory and most subdirectories for the upgrade process. Ensure the the user that's running the webserver has read/write access to these directories and the all files in it.

SQL error: Create table... Invalid default value for 'added'
When creating the module database table the query may fail because of the default values for the date/time fields due to the NO_ZERO_DATE sql_mode. See the database installation for more information.

My site doesn't load in an iframe/frame
JAS enables strict clickjacking prevention by default. To allow your site to be loaded in a (i)frame on the site itself, add Headers::framesS(true) to the relevant pages. To allow it to be loaded in a (i)frame on remote sites (which you shouldn't be doing), add Headers::framesS("all") to the relevant pages.

Data API no parse request provided
This happens when the (CSV, Data or XML) API tries to connect to a server and the server doesn't get a (meaningful) request. Typically this is because the server doesn't support "deflate" (which is enabled by default in API storage). To resolve this ensure the web server to which you connect has deflate enabled (e.g. LoadModule deflate_module and SetInputFilter DEFLATE).

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