Latest JAS v1.1.0
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Core / Data / Get / Filter

As of JAS 1.1 you can now enjoy getting data with the "filter" action. This a whole new level I tell you... it even puts the "all" method to shame. It's basically simple scripting language (similar to a SQL where clause) which allows you do complex nested filters as well as using references for filtering. Let's get cracking!

Get a note
$d=Data::cache("notes", "view", "all");
$d->setFilter("nr=1");    //pretty much the same as getting an item

  print $d->v["name"];

Get a list of notes that contain some text
$d=Data::cache("notes", "view", "all");
$d->setFilter("catnr=@catnr AND name like('some text')");    //Get a dynamic list based on the value set in the "catnr" field ($d->setValue("catnr", ...)) and use the like operator to search

    print $d->v["name"];

Get the notes in all subcategories of a category that are owned by you or contain your or are added before April 1st
$d=Data::cache("notes", "view", "all");
$d->setFilter("catnr.catnr=123 AND (owner=@owner OR added<'00:00:00 01-04-2016'");    //catnr is the reference to the notes' category and the second catnr is its reference to its parent category, again setting a setting static value 123. The nested section between brackets ensure the first statement must always by true regardless of the outcome of the other 2 statements.

Get a list of notes based on a variety of category names
$d=Data::cache("notes", "view", "all");
$d->setFilter(" in('static name', @array1.0, @array2, text)");    //any note will be displayed that is in a category which matches any of the names in the "in" function: 'static name' is merely a static value, @array1.0 assumes a field named array1 and it uses its first value, @array2 again is an array field and it uses any of the values in that array and lastly it may match the text of a note...?

We'll I guess you get the gist of it. Here's an overview of the various operators and functions:
  • Operators: =, >=, <=, >, <, !=, & and |
  • Functions:
    • like, not like
    • start like, not start like
    • end like, not end like
    • in, not in (unlike the other functions these can have as many arguments as needed, even combining variables, references and static values is possible)
    • between, not between (unlike the other functions these required 2 arguments: from and to)

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